conversion funnel

Converting custom: Using analytics to optimize sales funnels

Sales funnels form the backbone of just about every company you’ll make a purchase from today, tomorrow, or all year round. For many business owners, the term “sales funnel”, otherwise known as “conversion funnel”, can sound much like self-important corporate jargon – an affectation that makes the process of selling products seem like brain surgery. […]

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Can Your Sales Funnel Pass These 4 Powerful Questions?

Just buy from me already! Yeah that’s how every business owner secretly feels. If only it was that easy and simple… Unfortunately, not everyone is going to buy what you have to offer right from the get-go. Most people need nurturing through what is known as a sales funnel. A process that takes a prospect

Can Your Sales Funnel Pass These 4 Powerful Questions? Read More »

How to Create Better-Converting In-Content Calls to Action (CTAs)

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to build organic search and social media visibility because both search engines and people love useful non-commercial content. But is there any way to turn those clicks into conversions? There’s one big dilemma with any content marketing campaign: Most content targets informational intent (i.e. people who

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How to Actually Track Your Content Marketing Success

One of the first questions people ask me when we start a new content marketing strategy together is: “How long will it take to see results?” The answer isn’t always want they want, because content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. In the vast majority of cases, you’ll see results start to trickle in

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