conversion rates

9 Mission-Critical Lead Generation Metrics You Need To Track

The average data-driven business is growing more than 30% year-over-year, according to Forrester. By 2021, the same companies will take $1.8 trillion annually from companies that aren’t using data insights. In the modern marketing era, there is no place for “winging it”. If you want to thrive among fierce competition, you must keep tabs on […]

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A Step-by-Step Guide (With Templates)

NOW WITH MORE! This post has been updated for 2019 with much more info to help you easily create your Facebook Retargeting Campaign! Are you splashing the cash on advertising campaigns, only to suffer with a low ROI? It’s not sustainable (nor sensible) to continue spending money on poorly performing campaigns. Facebook advertising is changing

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Good Digital Marketing = Good Math

Good Digital Marketing = Good Math Ask good e-commerce or search marketing professionals how they build successful programs and you’ll hear them discuss things like conversion rates. Conversion rates are the percentage of a total audience that takes an action. I’ll take that a step further toward clarity and say that “conversion rate” is reserved

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Google Ads conversion rates by industry: How do you compare?

Google Ads is an expensive game if you get it wrong. So, we figure you’re doing what you can to measure the performance of your campaigns. But just how are you doing that? Our best guess is you’re using your own historical data to measure your success. Of course, the inbuilt problem there is that

Google Ads conversion rates by industry: How do you compare? Read More »

The Ultimate Guide to Conversion Optimization

The Ultimate Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization Published 08/20/2018 by Jayson DeMers | 0 Comments I’ve written several guides on various elements of online marketing, helping businesses plan their strategies, and execute different elements of an ongoing campaign. But so far, most of my work has focused on generating new traffic for a site or

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Why Chatbots Are a Must-Have for Businesses (and How to Build One!)

A few years ago, online marketing was all about apps or infographics, but now a new player has come into the spotlight: the chatbot. Why have chatbots became so popular lately? Is it just hype or something truly revolutionary? In this article we will cover the following topics: What are chatbots and what benefits do

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How to Optimize Your Site for Search Ranking with Your Web Analytics Data

Despite a large number of keyword-optimized posts, do you fail to generate enough organic traffic? Some webmasters and SEOs find that they are not yet ranking for coveted keywords or in their target geographies. Even with a lot of hard work, webmasters may find that their traffic is untargeted, which leads to lukewarm conversion rates.

How to Optimize Your Site for Search Ranking with Your Web Analytics Data Read More »

SG How to Set Up a High Converting Facebook Retargeting Campaign

How to Set Up a High-Converting Facebook Retargeting Campaign

Studies show that 72% of online shoppers will abandon their cart before making a purchase. However, 26% of them will return to complete their purchase later – if they are retargeted. That means that setting up good retargeting campaigns can recover nearly 1 in 4 of every lost sale due to cart abandonment. For most sellers,

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