
Real-World Open Networking. Part 5: Dissonance between Networks and Software Domains

In our last post we finished up a detailed examination of different aspects of Interoperability. In this post, we will analyse the different mindsets between traditional networking domains and software development domains, explain why there is often built-in dissonance. Whilst Open Network solutions require the integration of network and software components and practices, at the […]

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Real-world Open Networking. Part 2 – Interoperability: The Holy Grail

In our last post we described the attributes of an Open Network Solution. In this post we unpack what surely is the “Holy Grail” of Open Networks: Interoperability. Interoperability is defined as: Bottom line, interoperability means that I can freely substitute components, i.e. If I have Component X in my Open Networking solution, then in

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Real World Open Networking. Part 1 – Unpacking Openness

In our last post in this series, we completed our coverage of the third domain of Open Networking, that of Open Network Integration. To wrap up our overall Open Networking series, we begin a set of posts that address the practical reality of delivering Open Network solutions in the current marketplace, and particularly focusing on

Real World Open Networking. Part 1 – Unpacking Openness Read More »

HashiCorp breaks down the barriers to a simple and secure cloud

Many companies are still solving their security issues by building walls to protect sensitive information with barriers to prevent bad guys from getting in and data getting out. But with ever-increasing connectivity between devices, any effort to make an impenetrable security wall is defeated by a mind-boggling complexity of potential weak points. “You’re one API

HashiCorp breaks down the barriers to a simple and secure cloud Read More »

HPE containerizes machine learning model development

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. today is expanding its reach into artificial intelligence development with a software platform that supports the full lifecycle of machine learning model construction and deployment using the self-contained software environments called containers. HPE ML Operations provides for the rapid rollout of machine learning workloads across on-premises, public cloud and hybrid cloud environments.

HPE containerizes machine learning model development Read More »

Project Pacific mashes vSphere and Kubernbetes for happier DevOps

What is the fate of VMware Inc. virtual machines? Some tout containers (a virtualized method for running distributed applications) as their obvious successor — at least in modern cloud environments. But in real companies with a variety of applications, and Developer Operations (DevOps) teams, there may still be a place for both. “This whole VM-versus-container

Project Pacific mashes vSphere and Kubernbetes for happier DevOps Read More »

Automating HIPAA Compliant Hosting By Using DevOps – Gigaom

DevOps is no longer just an industry buzzword. It has become the standard development practice irrespective of the size of the business and across a range of industry verticals. The healthcare industry which historically has been a laggard when it comes to adopting new technologies is quickly catching pace and has started to see the

Automating HIPAA Compliant Hosting By Using DevOps – Gigaom Read More »

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