Electronics Tutorials

Understanding the Different Types of Circuit Boards

If you are reading this, you already know what a circuit board is and may have used one. But for those who don’t, here is a little introduction. A circuit board is a standalone board that mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic components using conductive tracks. Therefore, they form the bedrock of every electronic device […]

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The 10 Steps to Making Your Personal DIY OLED Wrist Watch

The saying ‘practice makes perfect’ is one that rings true in the electronics and hardware manufacturing niche. Therefore, to elevate your soldering, PCB design, and creativity, taking on DIY projects on a regular basis is recommended. So, here is a slightly more advanced DIY electronics project you can undertake. The project is the development of

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Creating Your Very Own DIY Spectrum Analyzer in 9 Easy Steps

Spectrum Analyzers are useful electronic devices that are currently being used in multiple industries. With a spectrum analyzer, you can watch how signal amplitude varies by signal frequency. These devices are used in the music industry for music production. They can replace the music producer’s ears and provide better insight into the acoustics and quality

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Capacitor Code And Values – Tutorial45

BrownRedOrangeYellowGreenBlueGreyBlackRedGreenGreyVioletBlueOrangeWhiteRedOrangeYellowGreenBlueViolet 1.0 nF EIA/MIL: 102 nF: Nanofarad Every engineering student or high school STEM student probably knows what a capacitor. Therefore, defining it may not be necessary but here we go. A capacitor is a passive two-terminal electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It is used to add capacitance to a

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