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25 Amazing Productivity Tools for Small Businesses

By Steven Macdonald Running your own business is one of the most rewarding and also stressful and time-consuming jobs you could ever do. Especially when you’re first starting out and growing your business, there is never enough time to get everything done. You need to figure out very quickly how to be productive. The trouble […]

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How to perfectly balance affiliate marketing and SEO

In all my years as an SEO consultant, I can’t begin to count the number of times I saw clients who were struggling to make both SEO and affiliate marketing work for them. When their site rankings dropped, they immediately started blaming it on the affiliate links. Yet what they really needed to do was

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6 Actionable SEO Strategies for Exceptional Customer Service

Most businesses put their heart and soul into acquiring new customers but ignore the huge opportunity in retaining existing customers. Customer retention, the most overlooked marketing tactic, is said to be the money maker since existing customers are likely to spend 31% more and 50% more likely to try new products when compared to new customers.

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Free Resources, Tools & Apps Every Content Marketer Needs

Successful content marketing is far from slapping words onto (digital) paper. It requires research, careful planning, ongoing data analysis, constant innovation and reflection. Sounds like you’d need an entire team of experts to get it all done, right? Certainly more hands on deck wouldn’t hurt. But even a small team (or hey, a team of

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SG The Content Marketer’s Guide to Keyword Research

The Content Marketer’s Guide to Keyword Research

When we think of keyword research, it is usually applied to the more technical side of promotion. Brands use it to see what SEO tactics they need to use in order to narrow down their place in a market or what their competitors are doing to generate search referral traffic. Keyword research is a staple

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