Industry News

13 Simple Ways to Learn From Other Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, it’s important to stay on top of the latest trends in your industry. There are many different ways to do this, from networking to following news articles to listening to podcasts. To find out the best approach, we asked a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council and YEC Next members the following question: […]

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Amazon Adds Sponsored Brand Ad Negative Keywords

Amazon has quietly added negative keywords to Sponsored Brand ads for both Seller Central advertisers and Amazon Advertising advertisers. For those who may need a reminder, Sponsored Brand ads show most regularly at the top of search results in the headline position. Here is some additional info on sponsored product ads, if you are interested.

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Google Ads Phasing Out Game Content Category

Exclusions, they are a changin. Last week, Google Ads announced an important change for exclusion categories: “Games” content exclusion will be deprecated. This change is in line with Google Ads claim of streamlining content exclusion options they rolled out in 2018. “Streamlining” covers all manner of sins. According to the Google Ads announcement, a consequence

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Bing Ads Action Extensions: What You Need To Know

Bing Ads announced in early April 2019 they are releasing a new ad extension format – Action Extensions.  This new format is totally unique to Bing Ads allows advertisers to add a preset call-to-action as an ad extension. Background Info There are 70 different action types that can be selected for Action Extensions including “Free

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YouTube + child safety: Is the service doing enough?

It has been a challenging month for YouTube. As we recently reported, fresh concerns over child safety on the service came to light back on 17th February. In a video published to the site, vlogger Matt Watson details how the service is being exploited by paedophiles who were using comment sections under innocuous videos of

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