Influencer marketing

How To Do Influencer Marketing If You Are A Small Business Owner Small

How To Do Influencer Marketing As a Small Business Owner

Influencer marketing is a hot topic for everybody these days. Major businesses all over the world engage recognizable stars to help them promote their products. But what about the small business owners who don’t have the money to pay an agency to start an influencer marketing campaign? Or those who can’t offer big sums directly to […]

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9 Tools for More Organized Influencer Research Small

9 Tools for More Organized Influencer Research

My eyes widen like crazy thinking about how long old school PR outreach must have taken. Hunkering down with a notebook, a landline phone (it probably had a cord!), a Rolodex, and maybe even the phone book. The horror! Making calls, waiting while the phone rings and rings, getting routed around to different departments’ extensions.

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Twitter influencers

How to Engage with Twitter Influencers

How to Engage with Twitter Influencers At the end of last year, Twitter released a report on the 10 biggest marketing changes in 2017. They focused primarily on data analytics in real-time engagement. Strangely, they didn’t discuss the growing importance of using influencers.This is probably because many brands underestimate the importance of social media influencers.

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How Powerful Is Instagram Influencer Marketing 1024x512

How Powerful Is Instagram Influencer Marketing? [Infographic]

The booming growth of social media has led to the rise of the influencer marketing industry, which is projected to take up a $5 to 10 billion share in advertising by 2020. Instagram specifically is slated to play an important role. At 700 million monthly active users and a daily active user base of 200

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Social Influencer Marketing: the Future of Business?

Social Influencer Marketing: the Future of Business? Social influencer marketing is crucial to any business strategy. Without a strong network of connections, advertisers will inevitably fall short of reaching and understanding their target audiences. On the other hand, reaching out to social influencers can pay dividends for your brand. Just ask Jon Ferrara. Jon is

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SG 5 Steps to Developing Successful Pillar Content

5 Steps to Developing Successful Pillar Content

It’s been well-established that running a business blog on your corporate website is a great way to both build the content needed to enhance your site’s SEO strategy and to connect with your audience on a more personal level. The Content Marketing Institute reports that producing enough quality content is the biggest challenge for B2B

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How 2017 Marketing Can Drive More Profitable Sales [Research]

What 2017 State of Inbound Marketing Means For Your Business Want your business to standout amidst a broader array of customer options online and offline? Then focus your 2017 marketing on building customer relationships by providing concierge-like service to meet your audience needs over time. Because customer experience is the new marketing black! As a result,

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