instagram strategy

9 Brands Crushing It with Instagram Stories

In the last two years, we’ve seen many brands crushing it on social media with Instagram Stories. Instagram Stories create an interesting dynamic for brands because, from the outside, no one can numerically judge the success of their efforts — there is no view count or like count. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t clear […]

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3 Instagram Strategies Working for Brands Right Now

Recent news stories about popular or scandal-ridden founders have had serious impact on public perceptions of the brands they represent. Just look at Uber: While original founder Travis Kalanick seriously damaged the company’s goodwill, current CEO Dara Khosrowshahi has been responsibly popular, taking major steps to turn that goodwill around. People want to buy from

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6 Brands Crushing It with Instagram Stories

You know what I like more than just about anything in the whole wide world? Seeing profitable social media. It’s right up there with running in the rain, drinking a cold beer after yard work, and sleeping in on a Sunday. Profitable social media is the stuff of life. It smells like freshly mowed grass

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