Link Building: General

How using search opportunities can guide link-building content strategies

Content and links are still pillars of search engine optimization (SEO). In fact, Google has told us in the past these components are two of the top three factors in Google’s search algorithm. By now, we should all know this, but many people are still making a critical mistake when it comes to content and links

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7 marketing and promotion tactics to get your content discovered

It’s no secret a well-executed content marketing campaign can deliver a solid return on investment. According to Demand Metric, content marketing generates three times more leads than most outbound marketing strategies at 62 percent less cost. As marketers pad their budgets with more money to invest in content marketing this year, one strategy that often

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Using brand mentions and competitive linking tactics

Today I want to showcase a successful link-building campaign we conducted for a new website and walk through the process in the event others may learn and benefit from what we did. The situation This campaign launched in March 2017 and was done over six months. The website was five months old and had roughly

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Channel your inner explorer to find link-building prospects

Every time I conduct an in-house survey and ask my linking team, “What do you think is the hardest part of your job,” they answer, “The discovery process!” Just to clarify, when they say “discovery,” they are referring to the process of finding new sites to contact for a link. They are right; it is

Channel your inner explorer to find link-building prospects Read More »

3 SEO tasks to start 2018 off with a bang

We’re just about three weeks into the new year, and the momentum you establish now can easily set the pace for the rest of your year. I’d like to help you start 2018 off with a bang by earning three simple wins that will set the stage for further success and growth, not just for

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4 reports you can pull from Ahrefs that you didn’t know existed

Author’s note: Besides being a customer of Ahrefs, I have no affiliation with the tool, and this is not a paid article. Ahrefs is a robust SEO toolset that is popular among search professionals — yet many are not using it to its fullest potential. There are so many nooks and crannies in Ahrefs that

4 reports you can pull from Ahrefs that you didn’t know existed Read More »

Best practices for qualifying your link opportunities

Links are an essential part of the internet. In the early days of the web, links were not seen as “ranking signals” but as relevant connections and partnerships between sites. As links have become a dominant part of the search ranking algorithms, many have turned their focus to acquiring as many links as possible. But

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18 link resolutions for 2018

Oh, the resolutions keep coming! Based on last year’s 17 link resolutions for 2017, I give you my 18 link resolutions for the new year. Here’s to a great start for all your marketing efforts! 1. Educate yourself more about link metrics I’ve seen so many people referencing link metrics, such as Moz’s Domain Authority or

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