
Intel to Make Chip With Built-In Spectre & Meltdown Malware Protection

In January of this year, the revelation of memory-related vulnerabilities known as Spectre and Meltdown rocked the entire computing world—everyone had been sitting on top of a potential landmine for decades that hackers could have taken advantage of. After the initial shock wore off, various chip manufacturers immediately came up with a host of fixes […]

Intel to Make Chip With Built-In Spectre & Meltdown Malware Protection Read More »

Nvidia Says Its New Patch is Immune to Recently Discovered Spectre Bug

Last week, Nvidia ran into some problems with the recently revealed “Meltdown” and “Spectre” bugs. When the manufacturer announced that it would be releasing a new patch to address the memory-related vulnerabilities, some outlets misinterpreted the statement as an indirect admission that perhaps, even its GPU might be vulnerable. Microsoft details performance impact of Spectre

Nvidia Says Its New Patch is Immune to Recently Discovered Spectre Bug Read More »

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