
5 Facebook Ads Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2020

67% of social advertisers consider Facebook to be the most effective social media platform they use. At this point, it’s like Google Ads — it’s an essential part of any effective marketing strategy. There was a time when brands could acquire customers organically, but that era is over. Now Facebook is strictly pay-to-play, and advertisers […]

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Why mobile first design is the only 2019 strategy that will work

Everyone knows that mobile is red-hot right now. In fact, there is a pretty good chance you are reading this very article on a mobile device. And yet, like an old dog who just won’t learn a new trick, most people are still designing websites for desktop computers and then trying to make them work well

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Google’s Biggest Search Algorithm Updates Of 2018 [Infographic]

The world of SEO changes by the day – some might argue that it changes by the hour. Your ability to keep up and adjust with the updates of the major search engines determines your success in this complicated genre of digital marketing. Through the years, Google’s algorithms have seen all sorts of adjustments. Some

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How did the 2018 SERP changes impact organic search?

Search industry has seen its share of updates over the years. The folks that have been in the industry long enough know Google introduces multiple changes in its search algorithm yearly. These changes range from being minor to major changes. Panda, for instance, affected the search engine result page (SERP) in substantial ways. When such

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Mobile Search Is Evolving—Is Your Business Keeping Up With the Changes?

Organic traffic will always be of the utmost importance to businesses and brands across the globe. With mobile usage on the rise and mobile-first indexing now in effect with Google, focusing your time and efforts on securing top mobile search rankings is more important than ever before. As we all know, we are simply playing

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6 Awesome Ways to Use SEO for Customer Acquisition

We all need new customers, both to get our business going initially and to continue growing it. Determining how your audience finds your site, which channels they prefer to engage with you on, what type of content they enjoy reading from you, and much more – these questions make up the core of a successful marketing

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5 Ways to Get Content Marketing Right in 2018

Some sources estimate over 3.5 million posts are published every day (and 2.5 million of them are on WordPress alone). Ofcom reported in late 2017 that 69% of Americans accessed web content via their smartphones, 61% via laptop and 47% via desktop. The rise in convenient mobile devices means that more people are reading more content at more

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How Progressive Web Apps could rule mobile ecommerce in 2018

Championed by Google since 2015, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are set to explode as an option for brands to increase traffic and conversions on mobile. According to a recent study, a 100-millisecond delay can cost a site 7% of its conversion rate, and Google frequently reiterates that when it comes to capturing consumer attention, every

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