
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: You #AskGoogleWebmasters, we answer

We love to help folks make awesome websites. For a while now, we’ve been answering questions from developers, site-owners, webmasters, and of course SEOs in our office hours hangouts, in the help forums, and at events. Recently, we’ve (re-)started answering your questions in a video series called #AskGoogleWebmasters on our YouTube channel.  (At Google, behind […]

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: You #AskGoogleWebmasters, we answer Read More »

Googlebot evergreen rendering in our testing tools

Today we updated most of our testing tools so they are using the evergreen Chromium renderer. This affects our testing tools like the mobile-friendly test or the URL inspection tool in Search Console. In this post we look into what this means and what went into making this update happen. The evergreen Chromium renderer At Google

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User experience improvements with page speed in mobile search

To help users find the answers to their questions faster, we included page speed as a ranking factor for mobile searches in 2018. Since then, we’ve observed improvements on many pages across the web. We want to recognize the performance improvements webmasters have made over the past year. A few highlights: For the slowest one-third

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Links, Mobile Usability, and site management in the new Search Console

More features are coming to the new Search Console. This time we’ve focused on importing existing popular features from the old Search Console to the new product. Links Report Search Console users value the ability to see links to and within their site, as Google Search sees them. Today, we are rolling out the new

Links, Mobile Usability, and site management in the new Search Console Read More »

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How can Google Search Console help you AMPlify your site?

If you have recently implemented Accelerated Mobile Pages on your site, it’s a great time to check which of your AMP pages Google has found and indexed by using Search Console. Search Console is a free service that helps you monitor and maintain your site’s presence in Google Search, including any Accelerated Mobile Pages. You

How can Google Search Console help you AMPlify your site? Read More »

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Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Mobile-first Indexing

Today, most people are searching on Google using a mobile device. However, our ranking systems still typically look at the desktop version of a page’s content to evaluate its relevance to the user. This can cause issues when the mobile page has less content than the desktop page because our algorithms are not evaluating the

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Building Indexable Progressive Web Apps

–> Best Practice: Use server-side or hybrid rendering so users receive the content in the initial payload of their web request. Always ensure your URLs are independently accessible: The above should deep link to that particular resource. If you can’t support server-side or hybrid rendering for your Progressive Web App and you decide to

Building Indexable Progressive Web Apps Read More »

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