
Strategies to Beat Today’s Growing Backlink Competition | Company Profile

Need more page views? Better search engine visibility? Okay, those are rhetorical questions—all of us do. But a recent trend could be making this more difficult than ever. Let me tell you about a conversation I had last week with a part-time blogger friend of mine. He’s had his website for more than a decade […]

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Qualcomm shells out $3.1B to take full control of RF360 mobile parts business

Qualcomm Inc. today said that it has reached a $3.1 billion deal with TDK Corp., a Japanese electronics maker, to buy the company’s stake in a joint venture they have been running under the name RF360 Holdings Singapore Pte. Ltd. RF360 specializes in making a core mobile device technology known as the radio receiver front

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The Secret to Effective Business Networking

I’ve been attending local networking events as long as I’ve run my content marketing agency (so, 13 years). I’m aware that trying to sell yourself isn’t the general concept behind networking, that it’s better to build relationships over time rather than “machine gunning” your business card to everyone in the room. And believe me: I’ve

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6 Easy Ways to Maximize Your Time at a Trade Show

Trade shows offer the perfect venue for meeting new customers, networking with industry peers, and making new contacts who can help your company grow. But there’s usually a lot of hustle and bustle going on at a show, so it’s important that you have a strategy in place to ensure you make the most of

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Five Tips That Make Asking for Referrals Less Intimidating

Asking for referrals can be tough. It can feel like you’re being pushy or imposing on someone’s time. But in reality, the majority of happy customers are more than willing to give a referral when asked. While the first hurdle in asking for referrals is getting over your own insecurities or mental blocks associated with

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The Introvert’s Guide to Successful Networking

Networking is a critical skill for any business owner to develop. It allows you to find the best talent for your company, establish new strategic partnerships, and expand your client base. There is definitely an art to networking, and there are some steps that everyone should take before they head out to their next conference

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Twelve Reasons to Join an Online Chat Community of Creative Minds – Red Lemon Club

It can be lonely being a creative professional. I know that for a fact. Sometimes an entire week goes by and, in my rush to finish a client project, I realise the only person I’ve spoken to all week is the cheerful cashier at Seven-Eleven. I know I could be more sociable. I know I

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7 Ways to Break the Ice And Make Connections at Your Next Networking Event

Sweaty palms, dry mouth, and a light case of the shakes. Is it the onset of the flu? Nope. It’s networking time. Networking can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially when you don’t know anyone at the event. But it’s a necessary part of an  entrepreneur’s work.  Polishing your networking skills is easy to let fall

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How Highfive Is Revolutionizing the Business Videoconferencing Space

Home Podcast How Highfive Is Revolutionizing the Business Videoconferencing Space Join Our Exclusive Network Subscribe now to our newsletter and get exclusive articles and deals ready to increase the ROI of your company! This post originally appeared on Growth Everywhere, a marketing and business growth blog. Hey everyone! In today’s episode, I share the mic

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