Online Advertising

Trump Campaign Floods Web With Ads, Raking In Cash as Democrats Struggle

The 2016 Playbook In the wake of the 2016 election, some on the left sought an explanation for Mr. Trump’s victory in the idea that his campaign had used shadowy digital techniques inspired by military-style psychological warfare — a “Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine,” as one article described it — created by the defunct political consulting

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Biden Escalates Attack on Facebook Over False Political Ads

WASHINGTON — A 30-second video ad that ran on Facebook this week falsely accused former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. of blackmailing Ukrainian officials to stop an investigation of his son. “Send Quid Pro Joe Biden into retirement,” a narrator in the ad intoned. The video wasn’t released by the Trump campaign, which has

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Warren Dares Facebook With Intentionally False Political Ad

WASHINGTON — Elizabeth Warren is playing a game of dare with Facebook. The Democratic presidential candidate bought a political ad on the social network this past week that purposefully includes false claims about Facebook’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, and President Trump to goad the social network to remove misinformation in political ads ahead of the

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Brace Yourself for the Internet Impeachment

Even before the impeachment inquiry against President Trump was announced on Tuesday, the president’s re-election campaign blasted an email to supporters, urging them to defend Mr. Trump against the “baseless and disgusting attacks.” Facebook quickly filled with ads for impeachment-themed merchandise, including $3 “Impeach Now!” bumper stickers and $35 “Impeach This!” T-shirts. In a private

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Five ways PPC customer support can help SMBs

When consumers need to find the right product, service or storefront for their needs, they grab their phone, jump on their laptop, or just say, Hey Siri, Hey Alexa, and Hey Cortana. Search results immediately populate their screen and they skim, select, learn, and go. To win at the game of search, your small or

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Using IF functions on Google Ads to improve productivity

Back in the days when I was learning PPC, one of the two biggest growing pains I had were: Learning the difference between segmenting campaigns out to maximize efficiency Reaching the point where the juice is no longer worth the squeeze Rather than creating clutter and a burdensome account to manage, I’ve since learned to make use

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The Language of Online Advertising—Concepts to Master for Success

Digital advertising is a relatively new discipline—at least when you consider how many years businesses have been messaging consumers to promote or sell a product or service. In the age of digital, online advertising is one of the most effective ways to expand your reach, find new customers and boost your bottom line. However, the

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Google Adwords Introduces ‘Chat Rate’ Metric for Click-to-Message Ads

To get the most out of marketing campaigns, it is sometimes necessary to do some tweaking and fine tuning before your ads connect with their targeted audience. For this reason, marketers must gauge the performance of their ad placements which can be gleaned from the reports provided by the ad platform showing data and statistics

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Facebook Takes Steps to Clarify Ad Metrics in Light of Complaints from Advertisers

Facebook is finally taking steps to address advertisers’ concerns regarding ad performance. In the interest of transparency, the social media giant is set to clean up its ad metrics and clarify how campaigns are measured. Advertisers have been raising questions about Facebook’s metrics, prompting the company to admit to errors in how ad performance is

Facebook Takes Steps to Clarify Ad Metrics in Light of Complaints from Advertisers Read More »

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