Online brand strategy

How omnichannel campaigns free you from the whims of Google

Marketers should look to form more diverse, holistic strategies capable of operating on their own schedules rather than being subject to Google’s short-term outages, bugs, and penalties For SEO marketers, Google is an unpredictable ecosystem. One day, the sun is shining and you’re basking in its favour. The next, a hurricane hits and your carefully […]

How omnichannel campaigns free you from the whims of Google Read More »

Consumers are increasingly trusting brands that take a stance

Chart of the Week: 64% of consumers are now belief-driven buyers who want brands to deliver on societal issues, as well as products We all know that trusting a brand increases the chances of a customer buying from it. Building trust turns customers into advocates, providing priceless word-of-mouth marketing. On top of this, brand trust

Consumers are increasingly trusting brands that take a stance Read More »

How businesses can serve international customers

Every step of international marketing needs to be considered carefully, as doing business overseas comes with many different requirements Proving a big success nationally can make business owners hungry to expand further and while approaching the international market is something many businesses have the capacity for, it is important to look at factors that influence

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Do brands need to be controversial to be socially responsible?

Following the Gillette and Nike controversies, is it possible to showcase your brand’s attitudes to societal and political issues without backlash? Consumer mindset has evolved and we are now more conscious of the things that we are buying and the brands we are buying from than ever before. With more than half of Britons thinking

Do brands need to be controversial to be socially responsible? Read More »

Rethink the meaning of “omnichannel” to get better results

The promise of omnichannel was that people would connect to a brand digitally or physically and then feel continuity in each subsequent interaction. For the most part, omnichannel hasn’t delivered that If you want to understand how omnichannel marketing fails, picture yourself in a funhouse surrounded by mirrors. In every direction, you see your reflection

Rethink the meaning of “omnichannel” to get better results Read More »

Online Brand Experience | How to create a killer online brand experience?

6 Keys to building a better online brand experience for your customers. Online brand experience and customer experience is a widely discussed topic amongst brand managers and marketers, and for good reason — customers who have a better brand experience with one brand over another will naturally veer toward the brand they favour when making

Online Brand Experience | How to create a killer online brand experience? Read More »

5 steps to better branded user-generated content

Unleashing the potential of user-generated content from brands For digitally savvy consumers, traditional ads just aren’t cutting it. Instead, consumers are looking for “social proof.” And they’re turning to their fellow consumers on social media and blogs to establish whether you have it Dimensional Research found that 90 percent of consumers claim positive online reviews influence

5 steps to better branded user-generated content Read More »

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