Personal Growth

5 Undercover Hacks To Jumpstart Your Marketing Productivity

In the modern world of infinite distractions just one click away, it can be tough to really bunker down and stay productive. In fact, around 65% of workers today say they regularly surf the web for non-work-related reasons on their employer’s dime. Part of it is undoubtedly a lack of discipline, but boosting your productivity […]

5 Undercover Hacks To Jumpstart Your Marketing Productivity Read More »

What would happen if you did these things every day… – Red Lemon Club

For thirty days… Reached out to someone to ask for help. Wrote a thousand words of total crap. Painted a picture and shared it online. Read fifty pages of a book. Quit watching porn. Did something that scared you. Wrote down twenty new ideas. Did fifty press-ups. Took and shared an interesting photograph. Made something

What would happen if you did these things every day… – Red Lemon Club Read More »

Why you do NOT need to know your ‘purpose.’ – Red Lemon Club

Many times I have worried that I’m not doing work that answers a ‘purpose.’ To do work that is ‘my calling.’ To create things that will change the world for the better. To do work that is ‘meaningful,’ and ‘valiant,’ and ‘noble.’ That only this kind of work can fulfill us. The ‘gurus’ tell us

Why you do NOT need to know your ‘purpose.’ – Red Lemon Club Read More »

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