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Should you know Basic Programming in today’s Digital World?

Entrepreneurs need to wear many hats and be familiar with a wide range of skills. Depending on what stage of development your business is in and which team members you have supporting you, you may need to play the role of team leader, sales executive, accountant, and product development lead — all in the same

Should you know Basic Programming in today’s Digital World? Read More »

Your Business Should Have These 3 Types of Marketing Videos

Every business needs to start using video in their marketing. Video humanizes and personalizes your brand. This is all part of building your personal brand, or as I write in my book “Celebrity CEO” (coming out April 2019), it’s an important part of the process of getting attention and educating your community. It does not

Your Business Should Have These 3 Types of Marketing Videos Read More »

How to Turn a ‘No’ Into a ‘Yes’

For most sales professionals, the hardest part of cold calling is overcoming objections. Objections are an  inevitability of cold calling  that can take many forms: “I’m not interested.” “I don’t have budget.” “I’m using a competitor.” “We’re not ready yet.” “We don’t need to change.” “Just send me some information.” The list goes on. The

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Why Facebook Messenger Banned My Page and What I’m Going To Do

Guys, this is pretty embarrassing. Last month I got banned by Facebook Messenger because too many people were blocking my Messenger bot. This is what I saw in my Facebook Business Page last month — The error message was: Limits have been placed on Larry Kim This page is restricted from the use of message tags,

Why Facebook Messenger Banned My Page and What I’m Going To Do Read More »

5 Qualities of Unicorn Marketers Small Business Owners Should Mimic

Unicorn marketers are rare — so rare that I’ve only come across a few in the wild. Some of these unicorn marketers were consultants. Some were part of an in-house marketing team. A few of them were marketing executives. Characteristics of Unicorn Marketers All of them had five things in common. I’ve explained before that modern unicorn

5 Qualities of Unicorn Marketers Small Business Owners Should Mimic Read More »

Apply These Secret Techniques to Become More Authentic in your Small Business Marketing

Marketing for small businesses is becoming increasingly difficult. Customers are growing tired of traditional paid and owned advertising. We’re living in the age of the customer experience, and the same principles apply when it comes to marketing. Consumers want a brand they can trust and build a relationship with. They want to connect with brands and

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Are you Saying the Right Things to your Customers?

The quality of your customer service can make or break your business. According to American Express, one-third of Americans would consider switching providers after just one bad customer service experience. That’s right. One bad customer service conversation can be fatal to your business. It shouldn’t be a surprise. Chances are, you’ve been on the receiving end of

Are you Saying the Right Things to your Customers? Read More »

22 Things Big Tech Companies Know About You Right Now

You’d be surprised just how much big tech companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, Twitter, and Amazon know about you. They’re collecting information about you and your habits right now. This information is being used to market specifically to your preferences. Wondering just how much they know about you? What Companies Know About You Here are 22 things they’re collecting data on,

22 Things Big Tech Companies Know About You Right Now Read More »

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