
Want to Write a Business Book? Follow These Expert Tips

Writing and publishing a book is no small feat. It requires time, dedication, and a lot of patience. Plus, beyond the excitement of seeing your name on a cover, having your own book can also establish you as an expert and leader in your field. So what should first-time authors keep in mind before they […]

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5 Forms of Social Media Content to Increase Your Engagement Rates

Social media has completely revolutionized the way people and businesses interact online. It has never been easier for companies to build meaningful relationships with their audiences – or even speak with them directly. But, simultaneously, it has never been more challenging to grab their customers’ attention, as competition is fiercer than ever. It has been

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5 Tips to Trigger Engagement With your Brand and Posts on Social Media

Social media is one of the most, if not the most, effective way to increase brand exposure. It’s the holy grail for marketers. In fact, social media plays a central role in terms of decision making for your customers. According to the Local Consumer Review Survey (Bright Local, 2019), 91% of 18-34 years old consumers

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10 Mention Features You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

We marketers and PR professionals are using so many tools on a daily basis that it’s sometimes hard to keep count. And, let’s face it, we can’t master all of them (at least I know I don’t). I usually associate one tool to meet one specific need I have. Now, there are tools that can

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Nanoinfluencer Marketing 101: How I Got 1,000 Followers in 30 days

Are you looking to become an influencer with a supportive community of followers and sought after brand partnerships? Read on to learn about how I used Instagram to share my passion and connect with others, developing into a nanoinfluencer along the way. So what exactly is a nanoinfluencer? This is a highly niche subcategory of

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4 Steps to Create Your Social Media Publishing Calendar

Whether you like it or not, social media is no longer a nice-to-have. It may have only had marginal effects on people about ten years ago, but social media now plays a central role in the way most businesses communicate and interact with their customer base and prospects. Now, successful brands on social media are

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