
Small Business Owners Ask: Am I Paying My Employees the Right Salary?

Survey after survey of small business owners indicates that attracting and keeping employees is one of the biggest challenges today. And with the unemployment rate still low, that problem is not likely to go away soon. A few months ago we noted that, according to a survey from Kelton Global, commissioned by QuickBooks Payroll, employees […]

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5 Simple Ways to Improve Your E-Commerce Accounting Practices

By Vinnie Fisher Accounting is one of the most important components of the e-commerce business cycle. By keeping accurate books and paying close attention to your business’s financial situation, you will be able to operate more efficiently and achieve your long-term goals. This may not be the most exciting part of running a digital business,

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Job Costing 101: Learn How to Set the Right Price for Your Business Services | Company Profile

Job costing is key to profitability for many small businesses. Are you doing it right? For companies that provide long-term projects to clients—such as landscaping, construction companies or consulting firms—determining how profitable a project will be is key to the success of your business. Job costing—that is, tracking all of the costs related to a

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Pay Equity: Are You Paying Your Employees Fairly?

Is pay equity getting a fair shake at your business? In 2017, female full-time, year-round workers made only 80.5 cents for every dollar earned by men, a gender wage gap of 20%, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. If progress toward pay equity continues at the current snail’s pace, IWPR estimates it will

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Are These Tax Deduction Mistakes Costing Your Small Business Money?

Are you throwing away money due to tax deduction mistakes? Doing your small business taxes is never a pleasant experience (well, it may be if you’re an accountant). This year’s taxes could be even more nerve-racking than normal since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts (TCJA), which took effect in January 2018, made some substantial

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Are Your Employee Hiring Practices Putting Your Business at Risk?

Few small business owners relish the process of hiring employees. It takes time away from their business, it’s stressful, and most entrepreneurs don’t enjoy interviewing job candidates.  What’s more, the hiring process could be opening your small business to legal risks even without your knowing it. Reading a recent survey by QuickBooks Payroll about small-business hiring,

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Biggest Hiring Challenges Facing Small Business Owners This Year

Is your small business planning to hire employees this year? Doing so might not be easy, according to a new survey from QuickBooks Payroll that polled small business owners and hiring managers at small businesses. The survey revealed ambitious small business hiring plans for 2019: Nearly three-fourths (73.4%) of survey respondents plan to hire more

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12 Must-Have SaaS Tools for Small Businesses

There’s no question that we have more apps and software as a service (SaaS) tools at our disposal today than ever before. If there’s a function your business does or needs to do, there’s a good chance someone has an app or cloud-based service ready to help you out. In fact, some business leaders get

12 Must-Have SaaS Tools for Small Businesses Read More »

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