search strategy

Luxury marketing search strategy, Part 1: Consumer mindset

Did you know the world’s top 15 luxury brands generate more than 45 million web searches per year? Gucci, ranked as the number one most popular luxury brand online based on Deloitte’s Global Powers of Luxury Goods 2018 study, has approximately 9.5 million web searches per year alone. Luxury brands, resellers, and even counterfeiters are […]

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How Keyword Intent Can Boost Your Conversion Rate

What is Keyword Intent? Keyword intent represents the user’s purpose for the search. It’s what the user is likely to do when searching for a particular phrase. Or, to be more precise, it’s what we think the user is likely to do since we cannot always be sure. Keyword intent is undoubtedly the most important concept when

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Build it and they shall come: Why your SEO architecture and search strategy must be aligned

As a society, we have been conditioned with the age-old saying “Build it and they shall come”. However, does this hold true for the digital world and your website? And more specifically, what about Google? In most organizations, organic search optimization becomes a layer that is applied after the fact. After the brand teams, product

Build it and they shall come: Why your SEO architecture and search strategy must be aligned Read More »

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What Happens When You Try to Cheat Google

People and companies go to great lengths to be valued by Google. Can you blame them, though? Studies show that ranking first in Google will net you 33 percent of the traffic for a given keyword. After that, it drops to 18 percent for the second ranking. But if you’re thinking about finding ways to work

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