
This is How to Obliterate (Social) Anxiety – Red Lemon Club

Most suggestions about how to ‘fix’ our social anxiety are devoid of motion/action/movement: ‘Meditate for hours daily.’ ‘Repeat affirmations that you are confident.’ ‘Pray.’ ‘Just relax and be yourself.’ ‘Take that pill.’ ‘Think differently.’ ‘Be present.’ ‘Talk about your sad childhood with a therapist.’ Some of these can help. Absolutely. However, I do not believe […]

This is How to Obliterate (Social) Anxiety – Red Lemon Club Read More »

Prove yourself wrong. Live life unexpectedly – Red Lemon Club

Just as I have repeatedly made mistakes, I’ve spent my life surprising myself. Over and over and over again. Mistake. Surprise. Mistake. Mistake. Surprise. Mistake. Surprise. I’ve lost myself to despair from failures. I’ve felt the elation that erupts from taking courage and pulling through. I’ve experienced the joy that comes from surprising myself. The

Prove yourself wrong. Live life unexpectedly – Red Lemon Club Read More »

How to figure out the perfect moment to start, when you don’t feel ready yet – Red Lemon Club

Listen, I know how hard it is. To get started. To make it work. To show up every day. To make money doing it. To be a ‘success.’ You haven’t got your shit sorted yet. I know. You need to fix yourself first. You need to love yourself before you can go out and be

How to figure out the perfect moment to start, when you don’t feel ready yet – Red Lemon Club Read More »

How to turn a life of misery into a lucky life – Red Lemon Club

You are hurting. Someone said a bad thing. Something hit a nerve. You feel like ignoring all social niceties and smashing the table with a fist. You feel depressed, and you might not even know why. . . . Negative emotions can have an immensely strong pull on all of us. They swirl and envelop, like black

How to turn a life of misery into a lucky life – Red Lemon Club Read More »

Ten small steps to living a good life – Red Lemon Club

There’s this thing you’ve been avoiding… That thing you think of when you wake up in the morning. The thing you’ve been making excuses for so that you never have to come face to face with it. But, it eats away at you. Breathing down your neck. Like that sleeping dragon, Smaug. Out there; a

Ten small steps to living a good life – Red Lemon Club Read More »

What would happen if you did these things every day… – Red Lemon Club

For thirty days… Reached out to someone to ask for help. Wrote a thousand words of total crap. Painted a picture and shared it online. Read fifty pages of a book. Quit watching porn. Did something that scared you. Wrote down twenty new ideas. Did fifty press-ups. Took and shared an interesting photograph. Made something

What would happen if you did these things every day… – Red Lemon Club Read More »

Three simple things you can do to climb out of the hell you’re in

The grand old journey of life often presents us with suffocating quagmires that feel impossible to slide free from. An alarming number of us don’t make it. And yet there are ways to do what Luther did: taking composed and tiny steps. When we’re in hell, we don’t need a complex strategy. We just need

Three simple things you can do to climb out of the hell you’re in Read More »

Four powerful mindset fundamentals I use to feel energised and happy

December has swept through like a hurricane of colour, passive annoyance, sugar and noise. Although time for a well-needed break is vital, like most of those who celebrate at this time of year, you’re probably not in the best shape, both mentally and physically. I know I’m not. As heart-warming as the holidays can be,

Four powerful mindset fundamentals I use to feel energised and happy Read More »

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