
Fast: Create a Branching Google Form

  Design your Google Forms to provide immediate feedback by utilizing branching options. Create multiple sections in your Form and add only one question per section that determines which section to jump to next. Answer correctly and the branching should take the student to the next question. Answer incorrectly and be taken to a section […]

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Twitter Chat Template – Teacher Tech

  Twitter chats are a great way for educators to interact with other educators. Interacting with teachers not just at our school widens our access to ideas, resources, and teaching techniques. I have created a spreadsheet to help you moderate or participate in a Twitter chat. Template Moderating a Twitter Chat A twitter chat

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Fall into Pumpkins – Teacher Tech

My good friend Christine Pinto was telling me she was having her Kindergartners do some pumpkin activities this week in anticipation of going to a pumpkin patch. I thought would be a fun way for kids to make a pumpkin since after all, the answer is always a spreadsheet! Using my pixel art template

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Linking Data Sets in Different Google Sheets

You have more than one spreadsheet of data. You need the information from one spreadsheet to interact with the data in another spreadsheet. There are 2 ways to do this in Google Sheets. Copying and pasting from one spreadsheet to another has the problem that if the data in the other spreadsheet is updated then

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Checkbox: Check It – Teacher Tech

Google Sheets Checkboxes Checkboxes in Google Sheets has become a spreadsheet staple! Incredibly easy in Google Sheets. Highlight the range you want checkboxes and use the Insert menu to choose “Checkbox.” True or False The checkboxes are the value of the cell. When checked the value is true. When not checked the value is false.

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GroupDocs: A Copy Per Group

In the modern world collaboration and getting along with a team is essential. Assigning students to group work can sometimes be tricky. Use my Add-on GroupDocs to assign students to groups and give each group a copy of a collaborative document. Steps Make a copy of the template. Set the group size. Copy and

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