
Germany Won’t Exclude Huawei 5G Equipment

Germany has completed its ‘security catalog,’ a set of rules telecommunications companies must comply with as they deploy 5G networks. Reuters is reporting that, despite pressure from the U.S., German officials have not excluded Huawei from participation. The U.S. and Huawei have been at odds over allegations the equipment vendor has backdoors in its 5G […]

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Cisco CEO Says 5G Networks Could Be Active In 2 to 3 Years

“The carriers today are building the consumer 5G networks, and they don’t require a massive backbone upgrade when you just increase bandwidth to lots of mobile phones.” Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins stopped by Fox Business’ Mornings with Maria to discuss 5G, intellectual property and reports of China bullying companies. “When they begin to build out

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Amazon VP Says 58% of Sales Come From Small Businesses

“Over 50% of everything that gets sold on Amazon actually comes from small and medium-sized businesses.,” says Amazon’s VP of Small Business, Nick Denissen. “Their success is our success so we’re definitely focused on doubling down on that. We have over 1.9 million small and medium-sized businesses in the US who work together with Amazon

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Apple to Use Its Own 5G Modems in 2022

According to Fast Company, Apple may have its own 5G modems ready for production as early as 2022, ending its reliance on Qualcomm. Apple has been trying to end its dependence on Qualcomm for some time now. Initially, the company switched to using Intel, while at the same time fighting a legal battle with Qualcomm

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Cyberattacks Hit 66% of Small and Medium Businesses Last Year

Health IT Security is reporting on two separate security reports, one from Kaspersky and the other the Ponemon Institute-Keeper report, showing 66 percent of small to medium-sized businesses suffered cyberattacks last year. The reports also showed that the cost of cyberattacks is on the rise, with a malware incident costing some $2.7 million on average.

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Microsoft Announces Dual-Screen Surface Duo—Powered by Android!

Those who have been around tech for more than a decade remember the “good old days” when Microsoft was ruthlessly protective of its intellectual property, its platforms, its ecosystem. In fact, it was so protective that it was eventually sued by the U.S. Government for monopolistic behavior. Fast-forward to 2019 and how things have changed.

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Google Chrome Revealed As Cause of Mass Mac Pro Failure

Earlier this week, studios and video shops in Hollywood and around the country went into collective panic mode when their Mac Pro workstations refused to reboot. News started hitting Twitter September 24 as Mac Pros started slowly crashing and refusing to boot up again. Almost immediately, keen-eyed users started noticing that affected systems were running

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Microsoft Patches Serious Flaw In Internet Explorer

Microsoft has released an emergency fix for Windows 10, following the discovery of a serious flaw in Internet Explorer. The flaw is a remote code vulnerability—one of the most dangerous types of security flaws, as it opens the way for a hacker to remotely take control of an affected system. At the root of the

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Amazon Announces Voice Interoperability Initiative—Leaves Out Apple and Google

There’s no doubt that virtual assistants and AI-based voice services are one of the next big things in the technology industry. Long the stuff of science fiction, voice-based computing represents the next leap in computer interface and usability paradigms. As a result, virtually all the major players are pushing ahead with development. It should come

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View Velocity Is The Secret To Ranking On YouTube

“To determine rankings on their platform, YouTube uses a metric called the View Velocity,” says HubSpot SEO expert Braden Becker. “The View Velocity metric measures the number of subscribers who watch your video right after it’s been published. The higher your videos view velocity the higher your videos will rank. YouTube also accounts for the

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