
Forum cracks the vintage passwords of Ken Thompson and other Unix pioneers

Aurich Lawson / Getty As one of the original versions of Unix, BSD is an ancient operating system. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it used what are, by today’s standards, strange, even ridiculous security. For one, the hashing function protecting passwords, though state of the art 40 years ago, is now trivial […]

Forum cracks the vintage passwords of Ken Thompson and other Unix pioneers Read More »

Not just a barking dog: Open-source developers grow to embrace software as a service

The open-source movement has a history that captures both its community spirit and renegade impact. Sometimes, that history even involves a yapping animal. In Linux, the “biff” command notifies users when mail arrives and identifies the deliverer. Was “biff” a cleverly conceived acronym for a remarkably sophisticated programming language? No. It was named after a

Not just a barking dog: Open-source developers grow to embrace software as a service Read More »

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