Choose The Best SSL Option For A High SEO|

Choose The Best SSL Option For A High SEO


SEO results do not only depend on how well you design your website. It also depends on how best you use it to reach out to different users both nationally as well as internationally. There are several factors to consider just making sure that your site is high on performance, functionality, ranking and responsiveness.

For this matter, choosing the right SSL option will play a significant role and therefore you should think about it at length and even take professional help if required to make sure all corners are covered and everything is in the right order.

When you consider the SSL options you will find that typically there are five different ones that you can choose from. These are:

  • Single Domain: This SSL option will help you to protect your domain name however this will not work for the subdomains. For example, it will protect but not
  • Multi-Domain: This is your second choice if you especially want to cover the multiple domains that you may have such as and Here once again, this SSL option will not work for the subdomains of the individual sites.
  • Wildcard: This is the SSL option that will cover all subdomains of your primary website.
  • Organization: This is another SSL option that is very much similar to the single domain but this will not cover the entire security aspects that are required to make any e-commerce transactions.
  • Extended: Finally, this SSL option will provide you with a few additional benefits such as the name that will be show typically in the green address bar, however, it will require a bit of extra effort and work as well.

No matter whichever option you choose, each of these is highly secure if you look at the technical aspect of each. The only difference is in the way you use each of it.

Nevertheless, if you select the right SSL option for your site, you will meet with the strict recent security requirement of Google. This will prevent your site from being marked ‘not secured’ which will eventually affect your SEO and search engine ranking.

  • You will need to buy the SSL certificate for your site directly from the domain registrar or
  • You may even buy it from different other hosting companies that will also help you to set these up or
  • You may use one of the several different WordPress plugins such as Really Simple SSL to help you set one up quickly.

Primarily it is for the security reason you will need these SSL certificates. When you look at most of the sites now you will find that most reliable and reputed sites have an additional S with HTTP. It means, a secured site will start with HTTPS and continue with ‘://’ and others just like you can see in

Trust helps in SEO

If your site is secured it will surely affect SEO, both off-site and onsite, and this will eventually affect your search engine ranks. On-site and especially off-site SEO will ensure that everything within your site as well as outside of it is in perfect order. As far as the off-site SEO is concerned, it will cover the most significant area that will ensure that your site makes a solid impression on one page and that is building trust. There are several reason for it.

  • PageRank is the unique formula invented by the founders of Google but that is not the only parameter to consider while ranking pages and to measure the effectiveness of the factors that will enable your site to rank among the top ten search results.
  • Trust is also very important factor that Google considers to find out spam and obscure websites. For this matter Google uses TrustRank to see how far your site is legit. This means, if your site looks like a big brand Google is going to like it and trust you to rank your site high up in its search pages.

Google also sees whether or not your site has quality backlinks from other authoritative and reputed sites. Major Backlinks from major domains such as such as ‘.edu’ or ‘.gov’ will help you a lot to build trust covering the most essential elements of it such as authority.

You can build two specific kinds of authority that Google usually considers to determine the overall authority of your site such as:

  • Domain authority – This is used to consider how widespread is the domain name of your company. It should be very authoritative so that everyone may have heard of it. For e.g.:
  • Page authority – This considers the authoritative nature and degree of the content of each page of your blog post.

Authority is typically measured in a scale of 1 to 100. However, the authority may be sometimes measured in a weighted scale as this makes it comparatively easy to measure the authority of each site. For example:

  • Anything ranging from 0 to 20 can be considered to be low
  • Anything over and above 50 and 60 can be considered as pretty high
  • While other sites that have an authority number between 80 and 90 can be considered to be the highest in that particular industry and
  • A perfect hundred is not only case of rarity but is considered to be highly impossible to retain for a long time as things might change pretty fast these days.

Assuming that you have a low authority, there are several ways in which you can improve it and it does not always involve using a cheat sheet. The simplest way to increase your domain authority is to ensure that your site has the following:

  • High quality
  • Editorial links
  • Information
  • Easy navigation and others.

These elements will ensure that your site will reign supreme almost always and will encourage Google to push your site so that it features among the topmost and mainstream media sites. This particularly is not an easy process and it all starts with securing your site with the most required SSL certificate.

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