Connect to Get Connected – Blogging Tips

Land of the Lost?

Or Bali?

I felt confused today.

After visiting the oasis known as Misfat Al Abriyeen in the desert of Oman I could not decide. Irrigation created a lush, green jungle feel to one part of town, not unlike I experienced during my time in Bali. But hiking for 20 minutes outside of town brought me to a desert canyon not unlike the dinosaur movie with Will Ferrell.

As oasis is a wonder; imagine a green slice of life amid barren, desolate, savage desert. Such is the power of water and human ingenuity.

I learned 4 successful blogging lessons there, too.

1: Dry Spells Break Eventually

I saw 1 cloud during my first month here in the desert region of Oman. I am not kidding. 30 days. 1 cloud.

But driving 1 hour to Misfat today, the dry spell broke, big-time. Lush greens, humid climates and cool, breezy shade kissed my face, as we drove up the mountain to the oasis.

Bloggers; dry traffic and profit spells break, too, if you learn blogging, practice writing, generously create and connect. Alonzo Pichardo and I explain how success does not happen overnight but being generous, patient and persistent brings you blogging success. The oasis of greater traffic and profits awaits. See the journey through.

2: Creativity Overcomes Obstacles

I just saw banana trees, pomegranates and palm dates in a desert climate. This in a region that gets virtually no rain fall year round. 4 inches, tops. But I felt as if I were visiting the jungles of Costa Rica again, the humid, cool air and hefty canopy suggesting a tropical paradise.

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Creativity wins, again. Genius folks set up a clever irrigation system involving canals and gravity to water vegetation, forming the green treat in a barren wasteland. Crops appeared plentiful. Temps dropped the moment I stepped into the oasis. Mind power rocks.

Creative bloggers overcome obstacles like blog tech issues, traffic problems and profits shortages. Creating helpful content and using your imagination helps you defeat any blogging adversity. Adam Connell is creative, imaginative and quite the successful blogger. Being creative helps you hop scotch over blogging obstacles.

3: Contrast Creates a Stunning Experience

Imagine being in a mini jungle, one minute. After 20 minutes of hiking, you see…..this:

The sense of contrast from green jungle to desolate, desert canyon makes this perhaps the most unreal place I ever visited during my world travels. If you are in the middle of hundreds of miles of desert, you usually need to hop a plane and fly 4 to 8 hours to the tropics, to see a jungle. In Misfat, just walk 20 minutes.

Superstar bloggers establish a brilliant sense of contrast, mixing ample white space with simple, clean, crisp design, making both the content and theme really pop. James Clark does an awesome job in this regard, with his simple, clean, neat theme.  Rob Dyer also knocks it out of the park with establishing a sense of contrast.

4: Reaching the Top Requires Extra Effort

See that featured image for this post? That view is The Top, for 2 reasons:

  • the oasis sits near the top of a mountain, offering dizzying views of the surrounding valley
  • the oasis is one of the prettiest places I have seen during 8 years of circling the globe
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I drove up a winding road with blind, hair pin curves to reach the oasis. Not dangerous, but driving up the mountain required extra effort, vigilance, patience and careful attention to detail.

Enstine Muki freely shows; to be a top blogger you need to put in work! He works tirelessly, both creating helpful content and building meaningful connections generously.

Sweet blogging success finds bloggers 100% committed to blogging, for the long haul.

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