Conversational Bots: Delivering Leads and Conversions

Conversational Bots: Delivering Leads and Conversions

The CMO’s role in companies has changed over the years—from being brand-focused to being ROI-focused. All marketers have been affected by the repercussions.

The world over, in the C-suite CMOs are the fastest to be let go. Why? Because they have the hardest time proving the positive impact and ROI that Marketing spend has had on the business.

If we were to look at performance marketing from the lens of a CEO, it boils down to just two things:

  1. The quality of leads marketing team brings in
  2. The revenue contribution of those leads to the organization

So, although a 20% email open rate would be a big deal for marketers, a CFO might ask, “So what?” As a marketing leader, you need to shift the focus from marketing metrics to strategic KPIs. Let the conversation be not of open rates, but of increasing average order value. Let the conversation be not about 5% conversion rate KPIs but about 25% more engaged customers.

Under pressure to get internal team members on board with marketing strategies, battle the competition, generate higher ROI, and scale quickly, marketing leaders could use some help. Enter conversational AI (artificial intelligence) automation—your soon-to-be best friend.

In fact, Gartner predicts that as soon as 2020, 40% of users in certain B2B verticals will be primarily interacting with new applications that support conversational user interfaces with AI. That number should act as a push to all marketers.

Three Ways Conversational AI Can Help Marketers Deliver Leads and Conversions

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