Copywriting for Tech Companies

Copywriting for tech companies can come with its own set of veritable challenges. There is often a gap between what a technology company does, and what its ideal consumer may understand. If you try to market your company using the same language you would use at an industry conference, you may run into some trouble.

But rest assured, there are some easy strategies you can employ to create a message that better resonates with your audience. Remember, the goal isn’t necessarily to show how smart you are. It’s to convince the person reading your blog or website to purchase your product. That can be an important distinction as you determine what kind of language, and what kind of voice you want to use.

Picture that ideal customer every time you write. Below are some ways you can create a marketing message that will resonate with your end reader, and persuade them to take action.

Copywriting for Tech Companies: 13 Strategies to Improve Your Message

What do you do? – I cannot tell you how many times I’ve read through a tech company website and still had no real clue what they sell, or what they do. Make sure that you efficiently communicate what kind of product or service you sell, in a language that makes sense to the end user. If you’re in b2b, your client may know they have a business problem. They may not know how to convey that problem in technical terms. If they don’t feel like your copy speaks to their issue, they’ll move on. The same rings true for a b2c company as well. The end user needs to feel like you understand their problem.

Yes, but can it solve my problem? – The second that any reader lands on your website or blog post, they come with a very narrow agenda. They have some sort of problem, and want to know if you have their solution. What you need to do is capitalize on this, keep them reading, and persuade them to act. Restate their problem. This app can keep your schedule organized throughout your chaotic day. Our electric car battery goes longer and further between a charge, so you can cover the same distances you’re used to. Our AI program automates your scheduling so your front desk staff can spend their valuable time on other tasks.

These statements seem simple enough, but they pack a lot of punch. They essentially show your reader and your ideal customer that you feel their pain. Readers understand them. And that goes a long way toward being liked.

Appeal to emotion – We all pride ourselves on being rational actors, but the truth is we make consumer decisions based on emotion. If you can appeal to your readers’ emotions, you’ll sell more. Make them feel happy, guilty, sad or angry and they’re more likely to take action.

Simplify, simplify, simplify – This is doubly important when it comes to copywriting for tech companies. Make sure that you break your points down into language and phrasing that is easy to understand. The more easily you can translate it into the consumer’s language, the better you understand your product.

Understand that there is probably a knowledge gap – Your end user may not know as much about the technical specs of your product as you do, and that’s ok. They may not care as much about what’s “under the hood.” What they truly care about is how your product will make their life better. This means it’s important to stress product features. Don’t just tell them that it’s built with a V8 engine. Give them a glimpse at what it’d be like driving down the Interstate at 85 mph with the wind in their hair. You’re not really selling a product or a service. You’re selling an experience.

Write conversationally – In order for someone to do business with you, they have to like you. They have to get a good feeling about you. The likeability factor becomes increasingly important as the Internet becomes more crowded. If your reader gets a funny feeling, they can simply move on to the next search. It is possible to be both professional and informal in your copy. Your copy should read more how you would be talking with an ideal customer if you were in person, and less like an academic dissertation. It’s more important to relate to the customer than to show how smart you are.

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Use metaphors or anecdotes to convey your point – I recently purchased a new laptop, and found myself in a conversation with a sales rep about processor speeds. While I pointed out that one model had a faster processor speed, he pointed out that the other may still have its advantages.

“Think of it like cereal and a spoon. While the processor would determine how fast the spoon goes from the bowl to your mouth, you also have to consider the number of cheerios on the spoon.”

This is an amazingly clear metaphor. It puts a complicated subject in terms that are much easier to understand. If the subject you are writing about is difficult to understand on a practical level, this can be a winning strategy for conveying your point. This can be a significant way to get your meaning across as you are copywriting for tech companies.

Establish Trust – This is especially important in copywriting for tech companies. If you are b2b, who are some of your bigger clients, and how have you helped them? Nobody wants to go to the doctor and hear them say “This is the first time I’ve performed this kind of surgery.” While the stakes may not be as high with what you’re doing, it’s still a good idea to convey you’ve done this sort of thing before, or that your product has helped people in a similar situation. This can be done through the tone of the copy, but it can also be done with testimonials, case studies and other forms of social proof.

Provide lots of value – I’m not just talking about your product or service. I mean in your marketing as well. Is your content positioning you as an expert within your community? Are you giving your readers more knowledge, and more ways to use your product efficiently? This is how you stand out, and create a meaningful experience.

Make it More interesting – Copywriter legend David Ogilvy quipped “You can’t bore people into buying your product. You can only interest them in buying it.” You can use your distinct personality or selling proposition to make your writing more appealing. You can tell better stories that highlight product appeal. You can take advantage of current events to better position your product or service. All these things help you to stand out.

Optimize for search – Select the keyword or phrase you want a specific page to rank for, and use it a handful of times within the copy. There are more nuances than that, but you can read more about optimization here, and use a plugin like Yoast, to set yourself up for more success.

Think visually – It’s easier for your readers to consume content that is written in short paragraphs, and broken down with subheads and lists. This is far less intimidating than thousands of words in massive paragraphs. If you want people to stick with you to the end and take action (and you do) make it easier for them. It doesn’t hurt to throw some extra images or infographics in there as well. Some people are better visual learners. This can be important when you are copywriting for tech companies, as the subject matter is often more advanced.

Make it easy to do business – This sounds basic, but there are a lot of businesses and websites that screw this up. The whole goal is to try to get people to contact you. Put your email and phone number in the header and footer. Use call to action buttons, in addition to a written call to action on every page. Your reader needs to understand what you want them to do. So tell them.

Copywriting for tech companies follows a lot of the same principles as general copywriting. The most important thing to remember is that you have to engage, and appeal to your end user. You do this by writing in a language they’ll understand, and make it interesting enough to resonate. With a little practice, you can be writing content that will help sell your tech product or service. If you are having trouble, you can always contact a professional copywriter.

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