Create a Successful Website in 5 Easy Steps


There are over 1.5 billion websites on the internet today and the number keeps growing. If you have a business or personal brand, but don’t have a website, you’re late to the game. 

Nowadays, people search for businesses online before buying anything. They want to check your products, read reviews, experience your customer service, and see what value you offer before they give you money.

Building a website is simple, but if you’re a beginner, it may get tricky at times. You’ll need a domain name, hosting, a platform, content, and much more.

Here are 5 simple steps to teach you how to make a successful website and get your business or brand a quality online presence.

1. Choose a Domain and Hosting

The first step to creating a website is finding and buying a domain name and hosting. The domain name is the web address of your website, and the hosting provider is the server where the website lives.

We recommend choosing a .com domain, but you should take whatever is available, especially if your business has a common/generic name.

2. Choose a Platform and Design

The next step towards making a successful website is the platform you’ll build it on. The most popular one is WordPress, but there are also Weebly, Squarespace, and Wix.

Once you install the platform and set everything up, you’re ready to start designing. If you want a custom-made website, it’s best to hire a professional web designer.

3. Use SEO

Search engine optimization refers to optimizing your website to rank on the first page of search engines. For example, if you’re a law firm and want to build a website to help with your lawyer marketing efforts, you need to find the most relevant keywords you want to rank for.

You should also have a fast-loading website with high-quality content, images, and sitemap. These are all ranking factors search engines take into consideration when they crawl your website.

4. Post Useful, Valuable, Relevant Content

Wondering how to make a successful website that visitors will flock to? By posting relevant, useful content specifically made for your target audience. If people don’t find what you’re offering valuable, they’ll click off your website.

Great content will keep them engaged and curious to see what your business is about. Hire a professional copywriter and content writers to help you with this section of the website.

5. Secure Your Website

Last but not least, implement security features on your website. No matter how big or small your business is, you need maximum security to protect your data from hackers, malware, ransomware, and viruses.

If you don’t know what measures to take, hire a professional to create a safety system. This step is often overlooked by many small businesses. A cyber attack is a huge financial strain and can ultimately lead to a shutdown.

Now You Know How To Make A Successful Website!

A business website is your online imprint and the face of your brand.

It’s the first thing customers see when they search for your personal or business name. Luckily, creating a successful, well-designed, and SEO optimized website is simple with these tips.

Now that you know how to make a successful website, it’s time to get the word out and start driving traffic to it! 

Check out this article for 5 creative digital marketing ideas you can use for your business in 2019.

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