Create a YouTube Channel That Helps Your Small Business Make Money

Learn how to use YouTube to grow your small business and attract new customers.

You’re a star, baby! The camera loves you – and your business.

If you want to make your small business famous – YouTube famous – now is a good time to start.

According to Brandwatch, “among millennials, YouTube accounts for two-thirds of the premium online video watched across devices,” but they also see that only “9% of U.S small businesses use Youtube.”

In order to bridge the gap, and start using video content to your advantage, it’s time to get your business on YouTube. Create a channel homepage that reflects your brand, release videos on a routine basis, and listen to your viewers to make your videos better.

With the right strategy, YouTube can be a powerful channel to attract new customers, and drive them to make a purchase on your website.

Showcase your brand consistently

Before you create a YouTube channel, you need to set a goal. While it would be nice to get famous for your videos, that shouldn’t be the focus. Instead, use YouTube as another marketing channel that contributes to your overall marketing strategy. The focus should be to attract customers, and drive them to your business website.

Once you’ve signed up for YouTube, make your channel homepage match the branding of your website, and all other marketing channels, like email marketing. Match your brand colors and use the same style of photos on the header image that you use on your website. Once you pick a video concept, like an educational series or customer testimonials, stick to that concept so your audience knows what to expect when they land on your channel.

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Release videos on a consistent basis

Just like using a consistent video framework to keep your viewers interested, you should also release videos consistently. Choose one day of the week, say Tuesday, and then release videos every Tuesday. If you can only create a video once a month, make sure the quality is high enough that customers want to watch it, and also share it with their friends. Send an email to viewers, and your email list, each time you release a new video.

If your viewers are watching your video each Tuesday, that means potential customers are thinking about your business every week, giving you a window of opportunity to promote your products or services. Use the same calls-to-action in your videos that use in your marketing campaigns to drive the message home. That repetition may be all you need to change a viewer into a customer.

Listen to your viewers (at least most of them)

YouTube comments are famous for being nasty, but there still may be useful criticism that can help your videos get better. Plus, answering comments and having conversations shows the real person behind the business, helping customers build a relationship with you. You may even see some positive feedback that inspires you to keep going.

If your videos speak to potential customers, because you’re using their feedback to make them better, they’re more likely to share your content with friends, growing your audience. Using customer feedback and showing your customers that you value their opinion also makes it more likely for them to support your business.

Don’t rely on YouTube for all your revenue

While there are a few millionaires on YouTube, your goal should not be to use YouTube as a source of revenue. Instead, think of it as an acquisition channel. It’s also another place to showcase your brand, so if you have apparel with your logo on it, make sure to wear it in the videos. Then, offer customers the chance to purchase that same apparel, by following a link back to your website.

Cross-promote your YouTube videos on your website, showcase them in blog posts, and partner with other brands, both to feature other people in your videos and to be featured in partner videos. As your videos stack up, so does your average view count, and your potential audience size grows. When viewers spend more time with your brand, they see your products more often, and your chance of making a sale increases.

Add a YouTube revenue stream to your small business strategy

You don’t have to be a celebrity to build a YouTube following for your small business. If you want to make your small business YouTube famous, start by creating a channel homepage that reflects your brand, release quality videos consistently, and make sure to listen to your viewers so you can create videos they want to watch. More customers are watching video than ever before. It’s time to get your small business into the spotlight.

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