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At the end of the day, everything boils down to a numbers game. It doesn’t matter if a campaign “feels” like it “should” be successful if the numbers don’t reflect the hunch. Your strategy needs to be data-driven, and for that to happen, you need to first arm yourself with the right data at the right time about the right people. And that’s where Binom steps into the picture as the self-proclaimed “tracker for professionals.”

The Leader in Click Processing

A tool and platform geared primarily toward the affiliate marketing industry but possibly applicable to other areas as well, Binom is a self-hosted tracking platform.

If you’ve been working in the realm of affiliate marketing for some time, then you’ll know how important it is to have the best possible tracker for all your campaigns. You certainly have a lot of options out there and Binom strives not only to be the best, but also the fast. When it comes to trusting the security of your click tracking solution, it’s priority number one. With Binom being labeled as the  “undisputed leader” in both click-processing and report-building speeds — this is something their site partners and click tracking users have become accustomed to.

We all know that time is money, so if Binom can save you time, you’ll bring in more money. It really is as simple as that. With this tracker, you can keep tabs on all the data related to your media buys, conversion rates, campaigns, generated revenue and so on. Stay on top of what works, what doesn’t, and optimize your strategies accordingly.

Advantages Over Other Trackers

As mentioned, there are numerous trackers available to affiliate marketers. So, why would you consider using Binom over the competition? They highlight a few reasons in this table.

Whereas other tracking software solutions charge you based on your click volume, for example, Binom is a self-hosted solution where you pay for an unlimited license. It doesn’t matter how much traffic you send. You’ll also get faster click processing time (5ms under any server load), fast report genertion, a flexible multi-user system, and super fast support with average response times of just two minutes.

Binom strives to eliminate tracking errors, maximize your ROI, and offer a convenient, robust interface that’s fast to use with everything you need at your fingertips. This is the real deal for real affiliate marketing professionals.

Optimizing Your Campaigns

Novice affiliate marketers may take the landing page link from their affiliate program or affiliate network of choice, and they’ll simply promote that URL directly using whatever means they deem appropriate. More experienced marketers know better, of course, and that’s why they put all their links through a tracker like Binom.

What’s important to note here is that it goes beyond “just” tracking, because you can optimize those campaigns by sending the right clicks to the right places at the right time. By leveraging more advanced traffic distribution, you can increase your earning potential significantly.

If a user has already seen landing page A and didn’t convert, then it is reasonable to think that showing them the same landing page again probably won’t be effective. However, you can show them a different landing page and this should increase your chances. By repeating this process over and over again, your earning potential can grow considerably.

You can also direct users to different offers altogether with the same tracking link, changing the weight as you see fit, experimenting with different combinations and paths until you arrive at the most profitable configuration. You have access to over 20 metrics, like IP range and time of day, all to help you create paths and rules systems for optimal profitability. Use smart rotations and enjoy flexibility to truly create the perfect funnel.

Detailed Reporting

Are you tired of sitting around and waiting for your reports to be generated, only to be offered data that isn’t especially useful or relevant? That’s not at all a problem with Binom, because they boast that “campaign analysis in Binom is pure pleasure.” You can generate multi-level reports with search, filters, drilldown and line markings so you can nail down exactly the data you want to unearth your most profitable segments.

A great way to explore what you can get out of Binom is to tinker around in the live demo. The user interface is certainly robust, but it’s not actually overwhelming as everything is laid out in an intuitive and easy to follow fashion. Everything is completely sortable and you can filter the data as you’d like too.

This is remarkably exceptional for affiliate marketers who may be running dozens, hundreds or even thousands of campaigns at a time. You’re juggling a lot of data, but it’s all easily accessible without this dashboard. Browse around the other tabs beyond campaigns to look into your landing pages, offers, rotations, traffic sources and more.

There are more than 20 analytical reports with advanced data points available, helping you learn everything you’d want to know about your traffic. Being able to mark your rows also makes for easy highlighting and organization. And remember those traffic paths discussed above? All that data is available here too, so you’ll know exactly how Binom is distributing your clicks.

Connect with Binom of StackThatMoney Forums

In addition to everything mentioned above, affiliates around the world will be happy to know that they can connect and engage with Binom on the Stack That Money Forums — one of the most active affiliate marketing forums on the internet today.

If you are currently a member of STM, you can access the Binom thread by clicking here.

Not only is it an added bonus to have the ability to connect with Binom through STM, it’s also another added level of authority and security, to know you are working with a well-established and trusted brand. When browsing through the thread, you will also see the comments listed from other marketers also using the click tracking solution as well.

Special Coupon Code

The regular monthly price for a Binom license is $99. That includes access for one server, unlimited clicks, unlimited domains and lifetime updates with additional licenses going for $49. It’s also important to note that each domain setup on the platform will also come with free SSL set up. This includes free 24/7 support via Skype, live chat or email, as well as assistance with tracker installation and server setup. You can save 30 percent by going with a yearly plan too.

But we’ve managed to acquire an even better deal for you. If you enter the promo code ‘ZacJohnson’ on the signup form, you’ll be provided with a generous 40 percent discount. All it takes to get started is your email address, name, login, password, and instant messenger contact.

And while regular new customers are offered a free 14-day trial, readers who use the promo code will be granted a full 30 days of full access to the tracker’s full version, all without providing any payment details. Take it for a spin and see how Binom can grow your bottom line.

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