Do You Know The Critical Rule Of 3 For Pitching Pro Bloggers?

3 rules.

3 lines.

3 pitches.

3 paragraphs.

I explain via this YouTube live video I filmed in New York City:

Over the past few weeks I have seen an increasing number of emails. I spied a pattern over the past few years but as the volume of emails and social media messages I receive grows I wanted to share the Rule of 3 for pitching pro bloggers.

If you’re struggling to connect with big dawg bloggers or your pitches seem to fall on deaf ears you are likely pitching from a place of fear, desperation and attachment, and a lack of clarity, all of which are turn off’s to clear, focused, established pro bloggers.

1: 3 Lines

Even if I know a blogger well I will instantly either delete an email with 5 paragraphs or at best I will read 1-2 sentences before deciding to delete it or respond.

I have 100 – 1000 things to do daily. I have 2-5 seconds to scan through individual emails and social messages.

Make your initial contact a 3 line, short, to the point email. Spend 5 to 10 minutes getting clear enough on your initial pitch to whittle it down to 2-3 lines.


“Hi Ryan,

Do you want to be part of an expert round up where you will share thoughts on the #1 way to drive blog traffic?


John Doe”

When is the last time you sent an expert round up pitch like that? Clarity. Time saver. Energy saver.

2: 3 Follow Up’s

I was a non match for a high volume of recent pitches tossed my way. Most bloggers release any seeming attachment to me quickly. Maybe 1 follow up if that, then they are ghost. Which is good. But some bloggers get clingy, sending 2 or 3 or more follow up emails, desperately trying to get me on board.

Fear repels established bloggers. Desperation and attachment are fear-based drivers.

Follow up max 3 times. No more. Or most pro bloggers will either completely ignore future pitches or will junk your email, ensuring all future emails go right to spam, to save their time and energy.

Release on this 1 blogger. Reach out to the millions of other human beings who blog.

3: 3 Paragraphs

If you get your foot in the cyber door with a response to your initial pitch write a response no longer than 3 paragraphs – 2-3 sentences in each paragraph – to respect the blogger’s time.

I recently nodded to a potential pitch, only to receive 5 *long* paragraphs trying to explain the pitch. I deleted the email immediately. If I have 300 things to do and someone lacks the clarity to write a 2-3 paragraph, clear, benefits-laden email to me, as a follow up, it is nothing personal but I gotta delete the email. I know we are not a match.

Spend 5 to 10 to 20 minutes condensing your follow up email. 3 short paragraphs or less. Getting clear and being direct helps you to move up in blogging circles so you can connect with big dawg bloggers effectively.

Put Yourself in their Cyber Shoes

Take a deep breath. Relax your body. Relax your mind. Then imagine how you would see the world if you had 300 things to do daily for your blog? Imagine working 8 to 12 hours. You’d be scanning through emails and social media messages and questions quickly and clearly, releasing any blogger who didn’t get right to the point, immediately.

Having been on both sides of the fence I better understand how to both pitch popular bloggers and how to let go unclear folks.

Your Turn

Are you having a tough time getting clear on your email pitches? How can you better follow these 3 rules? What tips can you add for connecting with top, pro, established bloggers?

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