Do Your LinkedIn Posts Help or Hurt Your Personal Brand? [Infographic]

Have you ever wondered if what you’re posting on LinkedIn is appropriate for the network? Have you considered that some postings make actually be doing harm to your personal brand?

If you’re like most people, you probably use other social networks like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter far more frequently than you do LinkedIn. These networks are full of your friends, family and acquaintances, and as such, most people post very informal things on them – things like what you did on the weekend, a funny pic of your pet or a picture of your last meal. 

And while such updates might be appreciated on the other social platforms, these topics are often not appropriate on LinkedIn.

Why is that?

Quite simply, LinkedIn is a social platform for businesses and professionals – and as such, you should be posting content relevant to, and appropriate for, that audience. 

So what should you post, and what should you avoid, on LinkedIn? Check out this infographic.  

A version of this post was first published on the Top Dog Social Media blog.

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