Donald Trump Displaying Names Of Campaign Donors During The State Of The Union [Fact Check]

President Donald Trump’s campaign offered to display the names of donors during his 2018 State of the Union for those who donated to his reelection campaign. The names will be displayed during a Trump campaign-run livestream of the address. So, if you donate quickly you can find your name appearing during the campaign-run livestream of his State of the Union address, according to Snopes.

Trump sent a text message to supporters informing them that a donation to his campaign would result in their name appearing on the livestream of the State of the Union address hosted by his campaign website:

DJT: The State of the Union speech is not about me. It’s about YOU. Which is why I will have the names of every supporter who contributes today broadcast during my speech on the Official DJT for President Livestream! Enough of the Fake News Media. It’s time for them to hear from the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Show how many Americans are dedicated to our movement! Contribute NOW and add your name to my Official List

Trump offered those willing to pay at least $35 the opportunity to see their name displayed during a live streaming of the address on his campaign website. “This is a movement,” the solicitation says. “It’s not about just one of us. It’s about ALL of us. Which is why your name deserves to be displayed during Tuesday night’s speech.” The Washington Post reported that the web page to which the solicitation links offers donors the opportunity to contribute as much as $2,700, which is the maximum amount allowed per election.

Snopes noted that ProPublica reporter Derek Willis tweeted a screenshot of the message. Clicking the link provided takes you to a donation window on, the official website of his 2020 reelection campaign, for his “Your Name Displayed during the State of the Union” fundraiser.

Here are some reactions to Trump’s campaign offer to display donor names during the State of the Union.

The forthcoming State of the Union address will be an important milestone in the Trump presidency. It will be an opportunity to outline and discuss the various ways the president has made good on his promises to improve the lives of our people, and to outline his vision for what he will do to restore America to greatness.

What do you think about Trump’s campaign offering up the chance for donors to have their names displayed during a livestream of the State of the Union? Let us know in the comments section.

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