Donald Trump Planning A Monument To The War On Christmas Is Satirical News

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President Donald Trump planning a monument to the war on Christmas is satirical news. There is no truth to a report that The Trump administration has unveiled plans to construct a monument hailing the end of the War on Christmas. What is exactly the War on Christmas? Depending on your political leanings, it is either a subversive effort by left-wing liberals to erase all traces of Christianity, or a histrionic, right-wing attempt to force religion down every American’s throat.

Where did this satirical news originate? The Secular Coalition for America published the fake news article reporting that Trump made the decision that his administration would be planning to construct a monument “hailing the end of the War on Christmas.” You can read it below.

Washington, DC — Today, the Trump Administration unveiled plans to construct a monument hailing the end of the War on Christmas. The new memorial will make good on President Trump’s promise to bring about a peaceful resolution to the nearly 20-year contrived conflict.

“President Trump is proud to declare victory in the War on Christmas,” said a White House spokesman, who repeatedly asked that their name not be used. “No longer will the celebration of Christmas be restricted to private homes, multiple 24/7 radio stations, non-stop television specials, Christmas themed commercials interrupting those television specials, decorations in every major retail outlet, proclamations from elected officials, and a federal holiday. Now that the War on Christmas is over, this cherished religious holiday can finally get the recognition it deserves. The President believes his victory in the War on Christmas will be among the greatest achievements of his presidency.”

At the consecration ceremony for the new monument, President Trump is expected to issue an official proclamation establishing that “Christmas” will now refer to the entire period of time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.

However, there is no truth to the above story. Of course, you will not find any such announcement having been made by the Trump administration. Rather, the above story was published as an early April Fool’s Day joke. The story’s early release resulted in confusion from readers who mistook it for real news. The Secular Coalition for America carried a disclaimer at the bottom.

A Pew Research Center survey found that most U.S. adults believe the religious aspects of the holiday are emphasized less now than they used to be. But overall, just 31% of adults said “they are bothered at least ‘some’ by the declining emphasis on religion in the way the U.S. commemorates Christmas.”

Here are some examples of people sharing the satirical news on social media.

What did you think of the satirical news that the Trump administration was planning a monument to the war on Christmas? Did you believe the satirical news or see people sharing it falsely on social media? Let us know in the comments section.

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