Don’t Alienate Your Mobile Readers [Infographic]

One of the wonders of email communication is that most of us carry it with us everywhere we travel. Our inboxes are in our pockets, which means we can – and most often do – read our email messages in transit, while we’re on the go.

As a society, we’re busy people. Places to go, people to see, money to make – there never seems to be enough time in the day. Properly executed mobile-friendly email campaigns are such an effective time-saver for consumers that they’ve become the standard for email communication. For businesses and marketers, this means any emails that are not mobile-friendly are at risk of alienating what’s likely a growing group of mobile readers.

This infographic from WSI provides some key tips on how to ensure your emails are mobile-friendly.

This post was first published on the Digital Information World blog.

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