Eat, Blog, Love: How I Stopped Waiting and Started Doing

Content is king (or queen, depending on who you’re asking), and blogging is more than just a hobby or creative release. Today, blogging is building careers, businesses, and empires. Owning and running your own blog can result in a job offer, part-time income, book deal, or the opportunity to write full time and build your own media brand.

WebDevStudios (WDS) Director of Marketing, Shayda Torabi, knows this all too well. As an experienced WordPress user and marketer, Shayda is more than familiar with the power of blogging, running her own personal food blog, Dine with Shayda. She also knows and understands the impact of setbacks and fear.

Just last month at WordCamp Phoenix, Shayda packaged up her story as a professional in the WordPress space and food blogger, and she shared it with eager (and possibly hungry) attendees. Watch the video of her WordCamp presentation below. It’s a brilliant mixture of tutorial and self-help.

WordCamp tutorials and talks are a great resource for enhancing your WordPress knowledge and skill level. Visit for a free education. Find out where and which events WDS will attend next. Check out our WDS Gives Back Page.

The post Eat, Blog, Love: How I Stopped Waiting and Started Doing appeared first on WebDevStudios.

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