Eliminating Specific Web Results For Improved Google Searches

Improved Google SearchesGoogle often changes its metrics to optimize its working. It has started using real user measurements to score page ranks. Page speed is a distinct scenario in ranking a page of a particular site. From 2015, Google started measuring page speed as a specific factor apart from technical SEO. Google has launched a new algorithm designed particularly to increase the page-loading speed during mobile search. It will not have an impact on all sites. Instead, it will boost the speed for the mobile sites that take more loading time. In order to measure the speed of the page, people can use tools like Lighthouse.

Google measures loading speed using the field data, and it will not consider lab data. The mobile speed update is just a mobile-focused initiative taken by Google. The page speed insights report is due to the reason that Google uses data from the Chrome browser, and so it lacks space to measure the smaller sites reliably. Google claims it as the main reason for the unavailability of speed report to the users. Though optimization results exist, it is not enough to tell the users whether the page is slow or not.

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Google has decided to remove all search results when the search engine is sure enough to provide the user with direct answers to their query. The update is limited to searches related to math, time calculation, and conversion searches. In order to improve the page speed, Google has decided to remove the web links from the results of search queries. The answer from the search queries, includes built-in tools, calculator, unit converter, and clock.

When a user enters the search, the user sees the search query and the answer below. The single results appear only in cases when Google is entirely sure about the users’ query. When it underwent a test regarding this update, more users were unhappy about the update. Hence, the tech-giant is rethinking this update. For example, when a user searches for a dating app, Google results might result in the date instead of letting the user find the specific information. Google has found solutions for such issues and will provide the users with more accurate information. 

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