Evolving Markets and Changing Marketing Job Roles Evolving Markets and Changing Marketing Job Roles

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Marketing used to be a simple job once upon a time. The marketer had to grab the buyer’s attention somehow and convince him to buy. But now marketing landscapes have changed and merely knowing how to sell isn’t enough anymore. A marketer must know how to adapt to changing customer requirements. And above, he must have the know-how to experiment with evolving technologies in the marketing space to determine customer interests and buying patterns.

Booming Marketing Jobs in the next decade.

Companies and brands are taking special care now in ensuring they have the best in-house marketing team. Cause one wrong step and the years of toil and hard work that builds a brand’s reputation can be gone in seconds. And so the marketing teams now consist of well-groomed tech-savvy smart men and women. They know the art of blending online and offline tools and all other resources at their disposal.

As per a report published by Cognizant recently, 21 new marketing jobs will emerge in the next ten years. Here are the most probable ones:

Empathy and Mood Managers

It is essential to know how a customer thinks and feels about your company. Getting the customer to feel right and good about your brand is a basis for the customer-product relationship. 

Mood and Empathy managers play a crucial role in retail market spaces where competition on price and goods is the highest. And hence, all you can rely on is customer emotion to sell your product and sustain its demand.

Neuro A/B testers

Brands and organizations are gradually moving away from traditional surveying methods. It will be the job of the Neuro A/B testers to report on the brain activity of prospective customers during sensory campaigns. Thereby enabling informed marketing decisions by organizations.

Sixth Sense Analyst

Going a level up from trend analysis of marketing behaviors, a sixth-sense Analyst converts AI-driven predictive analysis to actionable customer experience insights. Thus helping brands to develop trendsetting services and products.

Purpose Planner

What differentiates a brand or company from others is its purpose. And hence, the role of a Purpose Planner will become extremely crucial in conceiving, shaping and launching specific purpose journeys for a brand’s products and services.

Head of Bot Creative

Their job will be to ensure that the bots deliver a compelling experience to the users of the brand. They will check and review the output collated from bots, and work with line programmers closely to ensure bots are delivering the right creative messages to the intended audience.

Data Ethnographers

They are experts who use numbers to extract insights and inspire new ideas. They know how to interpret data and uncover marketing angles that were never there. This role will be extremely important, owing to the heaps of customer data that brands are now collecting from all online and offline sources.

These marketing jobs will create great employment opportunities for marketing professionals in the years to come. It’s time to get ready to see the marketing job numbers sky-rocket to its zenith.

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