Your customers enjoy visiting your website and linger on it if videos are posted there. That’s a toolset that provides comprehensive info concerning product, brand or service and prevents misunderstandings. That’s the explainer video! All this has supposed effect. It promotes interest in your goods. It attracts the viewer and helps him choose your propositions. It also gives you a competitive edge. This is a powerful strategy for market promo and it helps more than anything else.

Why Is It Important?

   Distinguishing yourself among others, you need to use an innovative strategy. The video that explains is exactly what you need. That’s essentially practical advice, instruction. Its main goal is to enlighten the audience. It will help you successfully to build your business. Below are the factors that are affected by the explainer video, which helps your business.

Audience Empathy

   In this fаst-pаcеd world, attracting the attention of an audience is not easy. That is why the explainer video turns out to be a golden marketing tool. That video type not only captures the attention of the audience, but it also ensures that the interest does not disappear. Explainer videos last no more than 2-3 minutes and act as strategic marketing tools. It should be fast, attractive and accurate. It solves the problem and helps the client make a decision.

Increase Website Traffic

   It is a guaranteed way to increase your website traffic. The viewer more willingly lingers on the website, if it has a video. This means that the website improves its position in search engines. When attendance increases, the impact on the clientele of the website increases and promotes quality transformations. An explainer video also increases your popularity, increases brand confidence and customer loyalty.

  1. Video wins over text

   The fоrеign Forbes conducted a survey among readers and found out that the majority of senior managers, other things being equal, would prefer watching a video to reading the text. Not because burghers have lost the culture of reading, but because the video allows you to get more information in less time. And not only to receive, but also to remember.

   This has a scientific explanation. Science believes that every human sense organ contributes to the awareness of the surrounding reality, “loading” the information it receives into the brain. Smell + touch + sight + hearing + taste = 100% knowledge of what is happening. At the same time, visual information makes up 90% of all information which enters our brain. And we are evolutionarily sharpened to process it hundreds of times faster than text processing.

   The more sense organs are connected to the perception process, the better the information is assimilated and the more emotional involvement is. Easy to check. Want to buy pastries when you see it in cellophane on the counter in the store? Not really? And if it is in the bakery window, from which the whole street smells fresh bread, cinnamon, vanilla and paradise on earth? It is necessary to connect the smell and you already think that a fresh bun will make you a day. And that it needs a bag of milk. And a bench.

  1. Video has viral potential.

   Explainer video production items are watched, remembered and recommended. According to statistics, every minute only on Twitter, users repost 700 videos. In the era of banner blindness and ignoring the heavy artillery of traditional advertising, an explainer video is a smart partisan behind enemy lines.

   So the second, for which marketers appreciate the explainer video, is high efficiency and a tendency to independent living on the Internet.

  1. Video improves conversion

   The third reason for strong sympathy is an increase in conversion. The most textbook example is the experience of the CrаzyЕgg service, which explainer video brings an additional 21 thousand US dollars a month. By the way, search engines provide videos on the first page of search results 50 times more often than other content. So, with proper search engine optimization and effective presentation of thoughtful content, any marketer can provide a breakthrough for his product, and hоnоur, praise and career prospects for himself.

   So, do you have any explainer in your armor to impress your customers or are you still in seeking for a reliable partner to create it? Both ways are productive and if you have no such videos on your website, emergently improve the situation!

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