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Facebook Cover Videos – Make Your Brand Move!

We like to keep up with the latest tech – Twitter just released a great UI/UX update today and Facebook officially rolled out a new batch of Facebook Page Cover Videos (as opposed to still images).

There were a few big brands this was rolled out for in April, but we’re glad to see that Facebook is beginning to roll it out across the board for a few more brands (ours included!) so if you don’t see it for your page yet, have no fear, it will come your way soon.

Want to see what our amazing SumAll Facebook cover video looks like and get some other fun examples and technical specs? Read on! 🎉

We’re glad that Nena, our favorite Alpaca, can be part of the newest focus on video content for Facebook. Head over to our Facebook page to see this header in action! Here’s the original statement by Facebook from April when users started to discover videos in their cover photo areas:

Facebook’s Official Statement:

We recently started testing the ability on desktop to upload a video as the Page cover. Once a cover video has been created, video will render when people visit the Page.

By making cover video available, we want to help you create more engaging interaction and drive more rich experience for your audience by letting you spotlight your creative content in one of the most prominent space: your Page cover.

The feature is still in early testing, but we expect to roll it out more widely soon. We appreciate your patience and support while we improve on this feature to bring cover video available to you soon.

So what are the technical specs for these videos? Here’s the screencap of what we saw on June 15th, 2017 on our page:

As far as we can tell, there’s a few parameters for these cover videos:

  • MP4 format
  • 20-90s (we looped our video for 20+ seconds)
  • 820 x 312 pixels

Here’s an example from SuperDeluxe’s Facebook Page – which also is part of this roll-out:

So how can you use this for your small business or brand?

Consider creating a header that represents your brick-and-mortar storefront or shows your products in use. Narcos originally rolled out a header image in April that had piles of cash (representing the money used in the show). Be sure whenever you are making a piece of branded content to think about:

  • Color
  • Feeling (warm, interesting, safe, delicious)
  • Length
  • Style (formal, fun, silly, thoughtful)
  • Customers (who are they and what would they like to see?)

Have fun! 🎉


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