Facebook Reactions Use on the Rise, According to New Data [Infographic]

Facebook’s Reactions have been around for more than a year and a half now, and while their adoption and usage has been relatively low, they do add something new to the Facebook process. And with Facebook announcing that Reactions would be weighted more heavily in the News Feed algorithm back in February, brands got a whole lot more interested (or should have), putting an extra emphasis on Reactions usage.

So how has reactions usage changed since then?

Socialbakers has published a new infographic providing an update on Reactions use, showing how people are using Reactions to respond to brand content.

And while the findings are much the same as other research on Reactions use (positive responses are far more popular than negative, despite the calls for a ‘dislike’ button, while the basic Like is still the leading response by a big margin), the data shows that Reactions usage is on the rise, which could provide more opportunity for brands. 

Facebook Reactions Use on the Rise, According to New Data [Infographic] | Social Media Today

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