Facts About SEO Every CEO Should Know About

As the heads of companies, CEOs must understand all aspects about the running of the business and how they impact on the achievement of the primary goals. Since marketing has gone online, there is never an excuse to remain in the dark on an area that holds so much value to a business as it directly dictates market outreach and brand influence.

When it comes to the core elements in internet marketing, search engine optimization is a central pillar that can never be neglected by any business. CEOs, therefore, have the burden of understanding about this marketing process that is without question the backbone of value-based digital marketing. SEO has become the most popular digital marketing process, and it is all for the right reason, which is why managers and leaders must seek to learn more about it.

The chances are that as a CEO, the term SEO has been thrown your way severally and is a regular feature whenever there are talks about internet marketing. While search engine optimization has been subject to lots of misinterpretation, it broadly refers to the process of ensuring that a website gets acceptable by the target market and ranks better in search engines.

The simple definition does not, however, make the process one that is as easy as it seems as there are lots of factors behind it that can quickly make it complicated. Nevertheless, it is not rocket science or an area where only seasoned technical experts can understand but an aspect that can be mastered and used to actualize your goals as an executive. Before rushing to the tactics behind this process, the following principles must be grasped;

  1. A lot has changed: Yes, you read that right. If the last time you directly handled digital marketing happens to be years ago, then you need to be ready for some learning before pushing down ideas on the marketing team. Right from the search engine result page layout to the search engine algorithms that dictate the rankings, it is a whole new world. The focus by search engines today is on enhanced experience for all users, and there are a lot of technical SEO issues that have to be taken to account if the aim is to feature on the top pages. While the technical issues are not easy to spot, they are in reality what make the difference between a high performing website and another average site on the internet.
  1. SEO is a process: Search engine optimization might sound like a single technique, but it is, in reality, a set of processes that all have to be handled correctly for the attainment of the desired results. It is a process that is geared to the achievement of long term objectives as it enables a website to rank higher in major search engines, and this, in turn, attracts the right traffic. As such, you must be prepared to hold back on those high expectations as it takes time for SEO results to be manifested. The last thing you want is a marketing team that implements black hat SEO techniques for overnight ‘success’ that will, in time, lead to more problems than it looked to solve.
  1. Yes! Content matters: At the mention of content quality, the focus must be on videos, copy, images, and other interactive elements that will attract market attention. It is by having the right content that a business can get to create the right initial impression that consequently arouses the interests of the user. This then becomes the stepping stone for attaining the desired conversions that makes all the efforts worthwhile.
  1. SEO is measurable: The best part about search engine optimization is that it is measurable, and a business does not have to run the operations without taking to account the statistical measurements. There are lots of website analytical tools that are highly recommended by digital marketing gurus for timely tracking of the progress of a campaign. SEO analytics are core components of the entire process as they help in determining the overall profitability and impacts of the current strategies being implemented.

As a CEO who wants to have a clearer understanding of digital marketing, the services of SEO consultants will come handy in helping you have an understanding of the marketing channels. It will equally provide you as an executive with the right level of engagement that will influence the approach to enhancing the brand’s online visibility.

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