Find High Performance LSI Keywords – Part2

Latent semantic indexing keywords have been a vital tool for bloggers to generate organic traffic to their blog. In Part 1, we talked about how Google can be used to generate “Related” keywords because they’ll often provide a breakdown of closely related keywords every time you perform a search. However, there are many other tools you can use to generate LSI keywords other than the search function. A great example of this will be Google Keyword Planner and LSI tools, which have become readily available. Google first announced the importance of latent semantic indexing after they started to see a shift in the user search pattern. Searchers are becoming more targeted in what they are looking for and it’s important Google makes the shift to keep up with the changing trends. As always, Google relies on bloggers to make sure they realize the importance of LSI keywords and use them within their content before publishing.

In Part 2, we’ll be looking at Google Keyword Planner and a cool tool I’ve been using in WordPress to generate LSI keywords.

Google Keyword Planner

Many people are unaware that using Google Keyword Planner will provide you with an awesome list of “related” keywords. It’s important you know how to sort of the results after typing in your main target keyword. Personally, I think that the “main” or “root” keyword you use is what’s important when generating LSI keywords because they must be closely related to your “targeted” search. Here’s something else you should know before continuing. Google Keyword Planner will always provide results according to closely related so sometimes it just makes sense to leave the results as they appear. Many bloggers will wait for the results to generate, then start sorting them depending on:

  • Search volume
  • CPC
  • Competition

However, as mentioned, you are simply moving away from closely related keywords when you begin to mess around with the way they’ve been filtered. For example, when searching the keyword “link building”, I noticed the following appear in the default search results. If I’m looking for LSI or close related phrases, then I would start writing down keywords from the top without altering the way they’re displayed. Here’s a quick illustration of the search results for the “root” keyword “link building”.


WordPress has changed the way we blog so if you are using their platform, then try installing some of the cool plugins they have available. For example, I’ve been using, which I’ve found to have an awesome interface.

WordPress Plugins

About a year ago, I had installed this new plugin that became available after LSI keywords started to gain traction. I had found the plug-in through and decided to give it a try, taking advantage of the FREE trial. is a plugin that works in real time in the right side menu when you’re creating a post in WordPress. It’s pretty simple, because all you have to do is submit “3” target keywords and the tool will automatically generate LSI keywords. I’ve actually done some testing and found it to be very useful because the LSI keywords it provides do have search volume so will definitely generate organic traffic. Next, if you want to read a complete review, you can right here.


If you do a quick search in Google for “LSI Keyword Tools”, you’ll be able to find several others tools readily available to you. Some are FREE and others are cost effective, usually costing no more than $10.00 a month. costs me roughly $5.00 per month and I use it every time before publishing a post on my blog. It will run through a series of tests, making sure my content has been optimized and even provides a score out of 100 for me. However,

You have many options available when choosing the right LSI keywords plugin. I suggest using both methods above to find out what works better for you. I’ve found it’s about making sure you find a method that provides a quality list of LSI keywords as they’ll be playing more of an important role going forward with future updates.

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