Five Important SEO Strategies To Increase Conversion Rate

If you are planning on improving your website, then it isn’t only about producing excellent content but also on optimizing search engine results and improving your conversion rate. But did you know that it can get quite difficult making both work together.

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Conversion Rate
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For starters, SEO would focus on making websites accessible to search engines for better rankings. As for Conversion Rate Optimization, it’s improving your website’s user experience for higher conversions. One is geared towards search engines while one is geared towards usability and those visiting the website.

Only a few websites are able to do both: An amazing site with optimal user experience while ranking high on search engines. So how can your website do the same? Read on as I show you the best SEO strategies to increase conversion rate!

Here are the five best strategies you can begin doing today for a better website:

  1. Using Dynamic Content

If you’re wondering what dynamic content is, it’s the content displayed on your site, which can change anytime, depending on who the visitor is. This can be based on geography, usually. For instance, if you have a visitor from the US during national holidays, then your website will display services and products which are related to the holiday or displays a greeting.

A website that does this best is TripAdvisor, which displays the name of the city and state you’re in on the homepage, then offers deals and recommendations of where to go in the city. It helps visitors identify with the content more and offers better user experience. Through this, visitors will be more inclined to purchase your product or services!

  1. Using Neurodesign For Better User Experience

Neurodesign is a term created in 2012, which is a way to design things which makes sense to you. Through using neurodesign, it helps improve your customer’s experience, which in turn helps with your conversion rates. All thanks to aesthetics! You will be able to improve three metrics, which are the visitor’s times spent on the website, increased visits, and you also reduce the bounce rate (people leaving immediately after checking your website). All these three metrics will help with your website’s rank.

To do this, ensure that page titles are written specifically for users and not just for search engines. Improving your titles, adding keywords, and using stimulating words will catch eyes and you’ll be able to see a huge boost in your conversion rate!

  1. Add Video and Visual Elements For Visit Duration

One of the important parts to help build a successful website would be the duration of time your visitors stay on it. Take note that the longer a person stays on your website, the higher your ranking will be on search engines. But what is decent time duration for visiting a website?

Over two minutes is a very good duration while anything below half a minute is poor. Between those times, it is still good.

I recommend that you do a few tests and evaluations to create the proper sure changes. It’s also best to add visual elements to your website for increasing the time people stay on it. One good example is Zest, a Google extension with a homepage that changes and moves as you scroll. The average visit duration is almost two and a half minutes!

  1. Improve Your Page Loading Time

One thing to help improve the duration of time your visitors stay on the page is through improving the website’s loading time. Unfortunately, this is something that many overlook. Remember that the loading time is a huge contributing factor to the page and site abandonment. If it takes too long to load, then people would usual abandon it from impatience.

But how long is too long? Usually, the time it would take to load one page on mobile phones is now 22 seconds. But this is too long of a time, considering that mobile phone users would leave if it takes over two seconds got load. That’s why it’s imperative to check your site’s performance and how to improve it. You can use Google’s Page Speed Insights for this, which ranks sites for load time. Optimize your website by improving its images, using smaller images for your homepage, and removing any sluggish widgets.

  1. Using Long-Tail Keywords

Users usually search for specific things, writing a few words. That’s why it’s imperative to also use long tail keywords, which will help people, see your website and know what they are looking for. For example, instead of just using the keyword “SEO company,” you use “trusted SEO company in Australia” for more specific results.

Wrapping It Up

And there you have it! With the right type of strategies, you won’t have to worry about investing a ton on an SEO company to make sure that all parts of your website is up and running while being popular with its users. As long as you follow the right advice and follow effective plans that make your website usable and at a high ranking, then you are assured great results.

I hope that this article on SEO strategies to increase conversion rate gave you an idea on what you can do for a better website and more traffic. So don’t wait any longer and begin trying any of these tips today!

If you have any questions or want to learn more about increasing your conversion rate while improving your SEO, then comment below. I would love to hear what you have to think.

Author Bio:

Stacy Richards is author of well established SEO company. She always writes on topics like SEO, Marketing etc which can help audience to learn about SEO. Apart from writing she do have interest travelling and social media

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