Five ways to make your website richer with video content

By Mark Zeni – 1 minute read

As you probably know, video rules the web. Over 80% of all Internet traffic is already video. Video posts receive a much higher number of likes and shares on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Businesses and sales pages that use video tend to convert much better than the ones that do not. In other words, if you have a website and is not using video you are missing out on a big opportunity. Below you will find five ways you can use to make your website more engaging with video content.

1.Create a narrative video

A narrative video is a great way to explain what your business offers or what features your product or website might have. Today there are many online tools that allow you to create such a video even if you don’t have any technical skills. For example, on lumen5 you will be able to create a video by choosing background images and by inserting text and music with a drag and drop functionality.

2. Create a how-to video

People love to learn new things, and that’s why how to and tutorial videos are so popular. The simplest way to create a how-to video is to record your computer screen as you explain how to accomplish a specific task. You can also use your smartphone to record yourself while you carry out the task you are explaining. Here’s how to speed up a normal video to a time-lapse in case you need to shrink the overall length of your how-to video (remember that people have short attention spans online).

3. Do an interview

Remember that everything is digital these days, so you can do an interview with anyone around the world without leaving your house. Skype and Google hangout offer free video calling that it can use to conduct your interviews. You just need to record the video as you go and then publish it on your website. As an added bonus, the interviewee might help to promote the interview, for instance by sharing it on his social media profiles.

4. Embed videos from YouTube

Having video content on your website is a must, but that does not mean that you need to create all the content yourself. One strategy you can use to make your content more engaging is to find related and relevant videos on YouTube and then embed those videos on your website articles. This will give more value to your visitors, which in turn should make them return and increase your search rankings on Google.

5. Share your story or opinion

If you are lacking ideas for videos, you can simply turn the comer of your smart phone on and start recording as you talk. People love to hear a good story or someone who has a strong opinion about something.

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