Get to Know your Customers with AWeber, Zapier, and Typeform

It’s that time of the year again for marketing predictions! What’s the next big thing or modern trend in digital marketing?

I predict we’ll see a shift in how we think about personalization and contextual content. Sending personalized email is so much more than simply saying, “Hey, {first name}!” To truly find success in the inbox, marketers will have to truly get to know their subscribers and begin to write to 1 person instead of 1,000.

You can begin to understand your subscribers’ behavior and trigger automated emails using awesome features like click and open automations, or by creating dynamic subscriber segments. Often times, the best way to learn more about your subscribers (and potential subscribers) is to ask really great questions.

Using AWeber, Zapier, and one of my favorite form tools, Typeform, you can survey your subscribers and prospects, acquire new subscribers, tag your audience based on their responses, and trigger hyper-targeted email campaigns.

This just in! Zapier now connects to 1000 apps! This means that AWeber also connects to 1,000 other web tools, thanks to our Zapier integration. We’re also excited to learn that AWeber is one of Zapier’s top 100 apps.

3 Powerful Ways to Personalize your Email Marketing through Surveys

Engaging your audience with surveys, quizzes and forms using Typeform is a simple way to learn more about the individual people that make up your audience. Using Zapier, which connects AWeber with hundreds of great applications, you can add and tag subscribers who complete your Typeform forms.

Here are a few ideas of how to get started:

Send a simple survey to your audience

One easy way to learn more about your subscribers is to send out a survey. You can ask questions in your emails and simply say, “Reply to this message,” to get instant feedback, but this may not be feasible if you have hundreds or thousands of subscribers. You also won’t be able to slice, dice and analyze your responses easily if you don’t use a formal survey tool.

Creating a quick survey in Typeform and setting up a Zapier Zap (Zapier’s lingo for an automation between apps) to connect your form data with AWeber, you can add respondents as subscribers in your AWeber lists automatically – that means you don’t have to download the form responses and import subscribers to an email list.

One popular question you can ask your audience is “What is your greatest challenge right now?”

I recommend sending this as a multiple choice question, so you can easily group your subscribers and apply tags based on individual responses.

Once the tags are applied, you can then send one-time broadcast emails to subscribers based on their response, or you can trigger automated campaigns.

You can also follow up your multiple choice question with open-ended questions to learn more about your audience in their own words.

Deliver a Net Promoter Score campaign to your subscribers

The Net Promoter Score, or NPS, is a proven system to help you understand your audience’s loyalty and satisfaction with you, your brand, your products, or your services.

Here’s how it works:

First, you set up a one-question survey that presents a scale of 1 to 10.

The question should be a variation of “How likely is it that you would recommend [our products, services, content, etc.] to a friend or colleague?” (Remember to replace what’s in brackets with a statement that is relevant to you, your business, and your email audience.

When your subscribers answer this question, by selecting a single number, you then present them with a follow up open-ended question, like “Why did you select this answer?” (There’s even a simple template for this in Typeform.)

NPS respondents are then grouped into three segments: promoters, detractors, and passives.

Promoters are respondents that chose 9 or 10, while detractors are those that chose 0-6. Respondents who select 7-8 are passives.

Using AWeber, Zapier, and Typeform you can trigger an automated email campaign to be sent to subscribers based on their categorizations. For examples, thank your promoters by sending an automated email campaign that delivers something of value, like a discount or exclusive piece of content. Or, simply say thank you and share your appreciation! Tag and trigger automated emails to be sent to detractors, either asking for additional feedback or presenting an offer or something of value to help improve their sentiments towards your brand.

Even if you choose not to send automated emails to your respondents, capturing your Net Promoter Score responses is valuable when analyzing how your audience feels about your business.

Attract new subscribers with a quiz

Who doesn’t love a good quiz? Quizzes are a great way to incentivize casual prospects to interact with your brand and opt-in to your email list.

Using this easy tutorial, you can create a quiz with Typeform. Some popular quiz types for lead generation prompt the user to identify an aspect of their personality. We’ve run a few successful quizzes like this, asking marketers, “What is your marketing super power,” or “what type of writer are you?”

When someone completes the survey, you can then (with their permission of course,) add them to a relevant email list using Zapier + AWeber, and even send targeted content related to their quiz selections.

Get Started with AWeber + Zapier today

If you’re planning to invest in email marketing in 2018, double down in getting to know your prospects and subscribers. Learning more about your audience will help you craft better content, send more targeted emails, and create and sell better products and services.

To get started, sign up for your free AWeber trial, learn more about our integration with Zapier, and claim your free account.

With Zapier, anyone can create automations called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding needed. Each Zap has one app as the **Trigger**, where your information comes from and which causes one or more **Actions** in other apps, where your data gets sent automatically.

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

  1. Authorize Zapier to connect to your Typeform account and choose the form you want Zapier to watch for new contacts. Make sure your form has at least one existing contact and test your Trigger by clicking, “Fetch and Continue”. This will pull in test data to help you complete the setup of your Zap.
  2. Next, you’ll create your Action step, sending your Typeform data to AWeber. Enter your AWeber credentials to connect your account to Zapier and choose the list that you want to subscribe new contacts to.
  3. This is the most important step of setting up your Zap. You’re telling Zapier what to do with the data it’s collecting in your Typeform. Map the email address of the contact as shown below. You can also send more data from your form, like the subscriber’s name.
  4. Click continue and on the next screen Zapier will test the automation by using the sample data from your Typeform to add a new subscriber to your AWeber list.
  5. That’s it! Click Finish and your Zap will turn on and be ready to go. From now on, new contacts collected via your Typeform will be automatically subscribed to an AWeber list.Looking for more app automation ideas? Here are some of the most popular AWeber automations through Zapier.

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