Google local pack business categories dynamically change based on query

Google’s local pack, the local results that show up in the main search results page, now may show different business categories next to a business’s name based on the category the user queried.

For example, if a business does web design and SEO, if you search for [web design], Google may show the category “website designer” next to the company name in the local pack. At the same time, if you search for [seo], Google might show “internet marketing service” next to that same company name. Previously, Google would show the primary business category only, no matter how you searched Google for that company.

Here are screen shots of my company being shown in different business categories based on the query:

Kudos to @sergey_alakov for spotting this first.

About The Author

Barry Schwartz is Search Engine Land’s News Editor and owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on SEM topics.

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