Google on Website Security & Manual Actions [Webinar]

There are two notifications that every SEO professional dreads receiving:

  • Your site has been hacked.
  • Google has taken a manual action on your site.

To achieve great SEO results, you need to make sure your website is optimized and secure.

Learn how to secure your website and avoid manual actions from Google’s Eric Kuan during SEJ’s next webinar.

Is Your Website Secure?

A range of cybersecurity attacks threatened individuals and businesses across various sectors in the first half of 2017.

In 2016, cybercrime cost the global economy more than $450 billion. The global average cost of a data breach is $3.62 million in 2017.

A vulnerable website is a hacker’s perfect target. Leaving your site unprotected is like giving burglars the keys to your home.

Are You in Danger of Manual Actions?

But a website compromise isn’t the only threat you have to worry about.

You also don’t want to get a manual action from Google.

Last year, Google issued more than 9 million manual actions due to webspam issues. They also penalized 10,000 sites that did not meet their quality guidelines.

Take Action

There’s no time to waste. You need to safeguard your website now so you can avoid experiencing these difficult situations.

Join the next SEJ ThinkTank on Wednesday, October 18, at 2 p.m. ET featuring Eric Kuan, Webmaster Relations Specialist for Google.

In this free webinar, Kuan will cover two hot topics for SEOs: website security and manual actions.

Find out:

  • What Google is seeing in hacking trends.
  • What HTTPS does (and doesn’t do).
  • How to best address a hacked site.
  • How manual actions work.
  • How to avoid getting penalized.
  • What to do when you’ve had a manual action applied to your site.

Don’t Get Hacked & Avoid Manual Actions

Following Kuan’s presentation, SEJ Advisor Brent Csutoras will host a live Q&A session.

If you want to learn how you can protect your website from these crucial issues, register now!

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