Google Says No Updates, GoogleBot Info, Google Discovery & Gallery Ads, Bing Algorithms & Much More

It was a busy week, Google told us there were no core updates or infrastructure updates recently despite rumors there were. Google said they rolled out the new GoogleBot over several months and the indexing bugs were unrelated to that. Google announced new ad features including Google Discover feed ads, gallery ads for search results, showcase showing ads, app deep linking and much more. Google Image search will not change the referral URL anymore. Google doesn’t show the content within hidden tabs in the search result snippets. Google listed the top three things a developer can do to help with search rankings and they did include meta descriptions but did not include links. SEOs aren’t that happy with the new Discover feed ads and search gallery ad formats. Searchers are now seeing those discover feed ads live. An SEO proved that the new GoogleBot is indeed live. GoogleBot may also support simple POST requests. Google said crawl budget has nothing to do with the physical size of a web page. Reporter Steven Levy is not happy with how much Google search weighs freshness in their algorithm. Google said don’t just blindly delete old pages. Google’s first SEO myth busting video didn’t do much myth busting. Google aid the cache date bug should be fixed soon. Google Ads launched a new performance planner tool. Google Trips consolidated Google Flights, Hotels and more together. Bing opened source a part of their algorithm to the world. Danny Sullivan did a ranking fair showing why SEOs and webmasters are upset with the current state of Google search. That was this past week in search at the Search Engine Roundtable.

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